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Q: How can fluorescent lights be both good and bad for the environment?
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What is a good replacement for overhead fluorescent lights?

The best replacement is a new fluorescent light tube of the right voltage and power.

What is the beat illumination method for a two car garage?

There are many good ways to illuminate a two car garage. One good way is to purchase fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lights are inexpensive and a good way to light up the garage.

How is fluorescent light good for the environment?

While fluorescent lamps may lower your electricity bill, they're not really 'good for the environment', as they require more energy and resources to manufacture compared with incandescent lamps, and they contain mercury.

Are fluorescent light bulbs good for the environment and why?

No, because when they go in the dump and you smash on on the ground, the mercury in them will poison the groundwater.

Why do plants grow better under fluorescent lights than under sunlight?

The sun emits all sorts of colored waves that are good for both flowers and foliage. If you are looking to grow a plant with a lot of foliage you need a light that emits a blue wave, which would be the fluorescent club. An incandescent emits a red wave good for flowers but be careful not to put them too close or they will get burned. Sort answer you fluorescent gives the specific wave needed for exponential growth. Hope that helps.

Can you recommend me a good led lights website?

LED lighting is slowly filling the Home Lighting and Business Lighting market place with such innovative products as LED T5 and LED T8 Tubes, Flexible LED Lighting, and LED Down Lighting.The list is long and this is good, at least in my opinion.So you could find everything from above in this website. Take care.

Is Industrialisation good or bad for your environment?

Industrialisation is both good and bad...It's effects on environment are horrible.

Is fire good or bad?

Both Good for keeping you warm; Bad for the environment

What are some good light bulb types I can use for growing plants?

You can use compact fluorescent lights. They may be more expensive at the time, but they will save you money on your electric bill and they will last longer.

Will a gardenia bonsai survive in fluorescent lighting?

Yes, fluorescent lights can be placed close to the tree without too much heat, so they are good for indoor plants including bonsai. It will do best if you choose a full-spectrum "grow light" bulb rather than a typical residential or shop light bulb.

The government should make a law that requires all compact fluorescent light bulb for the common good?

No. CFLs contain Mercury, which is harmful to the environment. Instead, all incandescent bulbs should be replaced with LEDs or newer technology that has no adverse effect on our environment.

Should the government make a law that requires all compact fluorescent light bulbs for the common good?

No. CFLs contain mercury, which is harmful to the environment. Instead, all incandescent bulbs should be replaced with LEDs or newer technology that has no adverse effect on our environment.