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While fluorescent lamps may lower your electricity bill, they're not really 'good for the environment', as they require more energy and resources to manufacture compared with incandescent lamps, and they contain Mercury.

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Q: How is fluorescent light good for the environment?
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Related questions

Are fluorescent light bulbs good for the environment and why?

No, because when they go in the dump and you smash on on the ground, the mercury in them will poison the groundwater.

Compact fluorescent lights are better for both our wallet and the environment but do they produce better light than the traditional incandescent bulbs?

Yes, the compact fluorescent light produce more light as compared to the same wattage of incandescent light, it is scientifically proved.

What is a good replacement for overhead fluorescent lights?

The best replacement is a new fluorescent light tube of the right voltage and power.

How is fluorescent different from natural light?

Well.. the difference is that fluorescent light isn't natural and natural light isn't fluorescent . its not rocket science (:

Why does a plasma ball make fluorescent light bulbs light up?

Anything that excites the gas in a fluorescent will make it light. Static electricity from the carpet will cause compact fluorescent to light.

What a good solgan for krypton?

it's fast, it's bright, it's a fluorescent light!

The government should make a law that requires all compact fluorescent light bulb for the common good?

No. CFLs contain Mercury, which is harmful to the environment. Instead, all incandescent bulbs should be replaced with LEDs or newer technology that has no adverse effect on our environment.

Should the government make a law that requires all compact fluorescent light bulbs for the common good?

No. CFLs contain mercury, which is harmful to the environment. Instead, all incandescent bulbs should be replaced with LEDs or newer technology that has no adverse effect on our environment.

Which state help produce light in fluorescent light bulbs?

Which state helps produce light in fluorescent lightbulbs?

How does a fluorescent make light?

Why are fluorescent lamps classified as hazardous waste?

Fluorescent lamps or light bulbs contain various amounts of mercury in them. When they are thrown away they are eventually broken and the mercury can leak out. That makes them hazardous to people, animals, and the environment.

What is the spectrum of fluorescent light?

light bulb