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food is the hbest ever and idk if it can im just a millionair so go somewhere and look at a corner :)

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Q: How can food be contaminated by uncovered wounds?
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How does the organism that causes melioidosis enter the body?

The organism enters the body through skin abrasions, burns, or wounds infected by contaminated soil; inhalation of dust; or by eating food contaminated with P. pseudomallei.

Does food poisoning develop after or before you eat the contaminated food?

After you eat the contaminated food

Do you buy uncovered food?


Which insect sits on uncovered food?

Flies and bees will both sit on uncovered food. Food should always be covered especially when outside in the elements.

Can you find bromine in food?

it can'tbe located any were as in water that is contaminated or contaminated food which should not be eaten

What is the differences between uncovered food and covered food?

when food is uncovered for a long time micro organisms adapt the food which causes damage to our health. in covered food micro organisms cannot occupy it

How do you chelate pb from contaminated foods?

Once food is contaminated with lead, it cannot be removed and the food should be not used.

Why should you not eat uncovered food?

it is not healthy

What happens when food are kept uncovered?

It rots.

Does contaminated food look different from the same type of food that's not contaminated?

It depends on the type of contamination - but most often, NO. Food contaminated by bacterial food usually looks the same as uncontaminated food. Food contaminated by a fungus may look a bit different. Also many times the difference in appearance is so slight as to not be noticeable unless one looks very carefully and knows what to look for. In general the best protection against contaminated food is proper handling and storage.

Will contaminated food always have the same signs?

No. Food can be contaminated with a variety of adulterants - most of which show no signs at all that they are present.

What does uncovered light bulbs expose food to?
