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Q: How can fruit show the presence of oxygen in the air?
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Can water vapor rust iron?

Rusting will only occur in the presence of both water and oxygen. In the presence of oxygen, water vapour in the air will cause rusting to occur. So unless you are talking about the iron coming into contact with water vapour but when there is no oxygen, the answer is yes.

What gives off oxygen in reaction of photosynthesis?

The presence of sunlight, carbon dioxide and chlorophyl gives up oxygen to air during the photosynthesis.

What element of the periodic table can catch fire when in contact with air?

Hidrogen explodes when ignited if it's in the presence of oxygen.

When iron oxide is made does the iron take the oxygen out of the water or out of the air?

It takes the oxygen from air because without the presence of air, iron cannot turn into ferric oxide. The iron first reacts with air and then reacts with water to form rust.

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Rust is formed in metals when it exposed to oxygen and moisture in air and in the presence of acid.

What is fruit oxidation?


Is oxidative respiration an aerobic process?

True, aerobic means that it needs oxygen. Oxidative respiration is cellular respiration with oxygen as the final acceptor at the end of the cycle.

Why is rusting of iron fast in rainy season?

Iron rusts because it reacts with oxygen. The oxygen in water reacts with iron quicker than oxygen in air, and the air outside is often damp, and there is the rain as well.

How does the lighting of a match become possible?

Because of friction between match stick and box because of presence of oxygen in air

Why does a sliced apple colour change when sliced?

The air has carbon dioxide in it, & it turns the apple if it's left out too long. I think it is the oxygen in the air that oxidizes the apple. The oxidation reaction basically forms a sort of rust on the surface of the fruit. You see the browning when the fruit is cut or bruised because these actions damage the cells in the fruit, allowing oxygen in the air to react with enzymes and other chemicals.