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Global warming is putting extra heat into the atmosphere. This heat is extra energy. This energy is changing rainfall and wind patterns, such as the wind that blew blizzards down from the Arctic into parts of middle America (2014).

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Q: How can global warming lead to cooling in some parts of the world?
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Is there any ways that the world can stop global warming?

No there is not. Climate change/global warming or cooling is a natural phenomena. We may be able to reduce the rate of change by sensible use of energy.

How does clean air prevent global warming?

Clean air does not prevent global warming. In fact, dirty polluted air in the mid-20th century actually slowed global warming a little as it reflected solar radiation away from the earth. Various Clean Air Acts around the world stopped this global cooling, and the warming continued.

Does the world worry about global warming?

Yes, most of the world is concerned about global warming.

Does global warming kill plants with heat?

Global warming will bring hotter and drier weather and drought to many parts of the world. Crops that used to grow in that climate will grow no more.

Fancy dress competition for kids about global warming?

It is important for children to become educated of the problems that face our environment, our world, and our communities. One fun way to teach children about global warming is to have a competition where they can dress up as parts of the environment that are affected by global warming.

How is global warming started?

global warming has started because of population of the o-zone layer are our world and many scientist think that the world might end IN 2012 "population of the o-zone layer" and "many scientist think that the world might end in 2012" Come on what kind of gobbledygook is that? Globan warming and global cooling are natural cycles caused by sunspot activity and other natural factors.

Can the world explode by the effect of global warming?

No the warming is only a warming of the atmosphere.

Why do some scientists believe global warming is a threat world wide?

Because it is GLOBAL, not local warming.

Who are the global warming skeptics?

Global warming skeptics do not believe the geoscientists, engineers and meteorologists round the world. The skeptic individuals believe that nature is the primary cause of global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

Who does global warming change the world?

Global warming has changed the world by making changes in the weather. It has also affected the sea levels and the ecosystems.

Is global warming local or worldwide?

Global means world-wide. Some local weather is cold, but globally, the world over, we are warming.

Should Jacksonville be worried about global warming?

My friend, the whole world should be worried about Global Warming, including you.