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God forgives their sins in the same way as He forgives the sins of Muslims or Buddhists or Hindus or... He forgives them if they repent. As Jews are not Catholics (or Orthodox), they cannot go to confession.

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Q: How can god forgive Zionist Jews for their sins in Israel if they don't go to confession?
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There was a lot of sentiment for Jews after World War 2. Israel was created for Zionist Jews as a result.

What day did the zionist attack Palestine?

1948 Zionist never attacked Palestine; there were always Zionistic Jews in Israel. Palestine is just a name the British made up for the area; Zionist obviously couldn't have attacked it in 1948. Israel declared independence and most of the Arab countries attacked it.

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He claims to be agnostic on religion/god, but his wife is Jewish which might help explain why he is ardently pro-Israel, almost with a Zionist zeal. Then again, quite a lot of Zionist ilk Jews are not actively religious...being Jewish is surely more ethnic and cultural than religious. Over half of the Jews in Israel are not active temple goers.

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Zionists believe that the Jews should have political self-sovereignty and is the patriotic sentiment behind the Establishment of the State of Israel.Many Arabs in seeking to delegitimize the Israel, call it the "Zionist Entity" in reference the form of nationalism that created it.

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Zionist jews. Stalin and his trusted servants were all jews.

What did golda meir do for the Jews?

She was a Zionist, A Zionist worked to build a home land for Jews. :) look it up on bio /gmeir/.com/that' where i found it!!;p

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it showed the world that Jews are severely discrimnated, and the Zionist movement that followed WW2 lead to Israel being formed, and a lot of violence in the middle east after Israel was formed

What language do Zionist Jews speak?

Most Jews are Zionist, and they speak the languages of the countries they are from.Note: Zionism just means supporting the idea of a Jewish homeland.

What do Zionists believe?

Answer 1Zionists believe that Israel is Jewish land, and they want the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem that was destroyed by the Romans in 70.A majority of Jews are Zionist, many Christians are Zionist, and 5% of Muslims are Zionist.Answer 2Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have political self-sovereignty and is the patriotic sentiment behind the Establishment of the State of Israel. A Zionist is anyone who supports that belief and therefore the Existence of Israel. There are numerous Zionists who are more than willing to negotiate with Palestinians and give up a portion of Mandatory Palestine for an Arab State.This member of a, Pentecostal, prayer based, Zionist group believes and has ALWAYS believed, since my earliest memories, that Jews, The Children of Abraham, are the rightful owners of the land that G_D promised and gave them.We believe that Israel, their G_d given home and Jerusalem, where G_d wrote His name, with His own finger, should be their capital.We believe that Jerusalem, the footstool of YHWH is the most holy place on Earth.

What is the Zionist movement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

The term Zionist as it was originally intended and still used by Jews refers to someone who is a nationalist believing in the proper establishment of a Jewish State in the historic Jewish homeland called the Land of Israel, i.e. Israeli patriots. (For those who prefer analogies, a US Patriot is to the United States of America what a Zionist is to Israel.) A Zionist, like a patriot of any other country, may have left-wing views and argue vociferously against government policies that he dislikes. What makes somebody a patriot is his defense of that country's right to exist with the current general government structure. Arabs tend to use the word Zionist to refer derisively to those that Jews would call Religious Zionists or Settlers. These are the individuals who hold that the State of Israel should include the West Bank and the Palestinians should remain stateless. Of course, this group of individuals is the minority, but by settling the disputed territory, they cause negative Arab and left-wing Israeli sentiment. Since most Arabs do not believe that the Jews have a right to a state, this has provided additional fuel to the hatred infused into the word Zionist. Many Arabs will refer to Jews as Zionists regardless of whether or not they openly support Israel or not.

What do Hamas and Zionist extremist groups do?

Hamas and Zionist extremist groups actively prevent peace and facilitate violence in furtherance of a one-state vision where the other group has minimal rights or presence. In the case of Hamas, Jews have no future or legitimacy in their vision of a unitary Palestine and will be to ethnically cleanse the Jews from Israel. In the case of Zionist Extremists like Kach Kahane Chai, Palestinian Muslims have minimal rights or must be repressed in a unitary Jewish State.

Why did Israel create an Arab-Israeli conflict?

Israel's very existence provoked conflict. Israelis did not have to do anything to create the Arab-Israeli Conflict, the Zionist Jews' intent to create a state led to violent confrontations by Arabs throughout the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, before Israel's independence in 1948.