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Actually, unknown to a lot of people, human excreta is used a lot in fertilising the soil.

In the UK there are stringent rules about where excreta can be used - such as it can only be used on pasture for two years, but after that, crops can be grown in what is soil that has been fertilised with human waste.

Still, pasture, where cows graze, has been "munched" by cows feeding on your waste.

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You would pretty much need to be a complete vegan, and even then it's probably iffy.

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Q: How can humanure be made safe to use as fertilizer?
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Agricultural workers are trained in their recommendations. If they give blanket fertilizer recommendations, they are giving the safe answer. If they give specifics and are wrong, they are liable.

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I would purchase a natural organic lawn fertilizer because it is safe to be used around pets and humans. It also has no harmful effects on the environment. The product is called EcoChem.

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we can prevent this by decreasing the use of fertilizer in plants. Excess use of fertilizer can lead to eutrophication.

Is it safe to use this product every day?

Yes, they have made this product so it is safe to use on a daily basis.

Howrse how do you put fertilizer?

When you plant seeds it will ask you if you want to use fertilizer or not.

What do you use on the ground for bugs?

You can use fertilizer.