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Simply put her in a trace by weaving a clock in front of her face. Say aloud "you will now do whatever Im say." It should take about 24 hours to come into effect, within that time you cannot have any contact with her. after 24 hours are up, if she hasn't broken up with you, she will do whatever you say.

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Q: How can i control my girlfriend?
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No. If you have feelings for someone, then you do. You can't control your feelings. If he has a girlfriend, then stick with it. They aren't married. He has no real commitment to his girlfriend.

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Kickstart is all about a lad who can't control his lover/ girlfriend.

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no you just care about her in !!!!1

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you can try talking through it, does your gf kno you have these control issues? or you can try going to your gp.

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Make a sandwich.... There is no 'perfect girlfriend'. Everyone has different ideas about what they want from a girl. If you have a partner, the best thing you can do is ask them. No one can tell you how to be a perfect girlfriend other than the person you are with / want to be with

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Because the boy loves the girl so much, he can do anything for her girlfriend he loves her girlfriend so much! Or, it could be because some see their girlfriend's either as possessions or as being unable to control their emotions and prevent being seduced by other men.

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Look, You're parents don't need to know. They can't control it. Just get a girlfriend... When you go out with her, get a friend to cover for you.... It's easy, if your careful.

Can an 18 year old man control a 16 year old girl?

What do you mean by that? Are you someone seeking guardianship over a 16 year old family member? or Someone seeking to control a 16 year old girlfriend? If you seeking to control the girlfriend, your whole mindset is wrong. No one has the right to "control" their significant other. A relationship is not about control and if you don't approve of what the other person is doing and it doesn't fit into your lifestyle, leave.

How do you control without touch your girlfriend since u r young?

it young r u?