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Try swimming as an exercise.

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Q: How can i exercise with bad knees?
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What are some work out plans for women with bad knees?

If you have bad knees, the best low impact exercise is walking. You can begin walking on a treadmill a few minutes a day then slowly increase to up to 30 minutes a day.

If I have bad knees is it better to buy a treadmill so that I can walk on an incline, or a elliptical machine?

An ellipitical training machine is by the better choice of exercise equipment if you have bad knees. Offering the same benefits as a treadmill, the ellipitical is low impact with adjustable resistance capabilities.

Are traditional toe touches bad?

A straight-legged toe touch may hyperextend the knees, which can ultimately be bad over time. This exercise may also put strain on the back.

Does long distance running damage your knees?

No. Long distance running does not damage your knees, if you exercise some reasonable restraint. Of course, any physical activity, if overdone, can damage the body part(s) it employs and running does employ the knees. However, damage to the knees can be avoided by stopping when you begin to feel pain.

What is the exercise of cervical?

according to my research cervical exercise is the backbone of all spinal treatment. cervical exercise is when you go on your knees and bend your back backwards to exercise your spine.

What are the bad points of exercise?

There are no bad points of exercise

What exercise burns the most calories for bad knees?

I'm not positive but I would have to answer Swimming.It seems to me it would use almost all muscles in the body and its a low impact workout.

Does weight training your quads affect your knees?

Not necessarily. Of course, if you exercise improperly (such as bouncing at the bottom of a squat, in my opinion) you may injure your knees. Even assuming that you exercise properly, after several decades of training your knees may hurt a bit during exercise. This does not happen to everyone. If you always warm up properly and use perfect exercise technique, it may never happen to you. Exercise selection, too, is important. For example, it is a good idea never to do heavy leg raises because they really stress the knees. Even if your knees eventually hurt during training, there may be ways to work around it. For example, if regular back squats hurt your knees, switch to box squats. Box squats are much more difficult, which means that you will use less weight; using less weight means less stress on your knees.

Is there any exercise to help lose fat around the knees?

Fat loss cannot be isolated. The human body is one unit, it is not divided in compartments. There is no magic exercise to make you lose fat around your knees. But any aerobic exercise will help, plus proper nutrition.

Are Fitness flip flops safe for someone with bad knees?

Flip-flops are perfectly suitable footwear for people with bad knees, providing they are walking on suitably flat or firm ground. So called fit-flops are designed not for people with bad knees but to tone the buttocks when walking.

What is the best type of exercise equipment to use with bad knees?

Zookinesis is an exercise system that combines Tai-chi, Yoga and chi-gung. It is based on the movements of animals and combines stretching, strengthening joints and muscles, improved breathing, increased range of motion of the joints and improved general health. There are versions of zookinesis that are chair exercises specifically for seniors so it will be easy on the knees.

What is the healthiest fitness equipment i.e. Heard treadmills bad for knees?

i dunno the healthiest fitness equipment but I do know that treadmills are not bad for your knees unless you run on them too much