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  • By calling yourself fat and ugly you need to work on your self esteem first. You are probably not as fat or ugly as you think. If you are the same age as she is; a year younger than her or a year older you are probably going through a normal phase of puberty where hormones are at work in your body. Some young people can become moody and depressed; depending on the genetic makeup in their family they could be fat; slim or be blessed with the best looking skin; body type, etc. You can exercise and eat well. Get into a sport where you'll get the exercise and this will help you lose weight. If need be talk to your mother about wanting to lose weight and she will probably help you by choosing the right foods for you, but, it is you that has try to lose the weight. Beauty or handsome is in the eye of the beholder which means some girl will look deeper into your personality and perhaps find you comical; friendly and you will make her feel good. It could start out as a mere friendship and end up into a serious relationship. Have patience, you'll lose some of the weight as you go through puberty or shortly after. Meanwhile date girls and they don't always have to be 'hot girls.'
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Q: How can i get a hot girlfriend at age 11 when im fat and ugly?
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