

How can i look younger?

Updated: 4/26/2024
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Lvl 1
12y ago

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Figure out what you mean by young?

Is youth the goal...........or health and feeling young?

The outside of the body...looks, wrinkles etc. Sometimes say little about the internal health of the individual.

First i would pray for good longevity genes.

This may matter more than we know yet....and yet good genes do not constitute the whole picture.

Even if ones good gene pool is geared towards living a long life...perhaps length isn't the ultimate goal...especially if someone is not in good health. What is length...or even youth if you or i are sick..and suffer from something? Chronic illness can really grate on anyone after a while.

I think health and feeling great should be the goal.

Some things you can control , while others are outside of our direction or knowledge.

do what you can to stay exercising 3-4 x's a week.

Walking is fine.

keep your attitude positive..try to think of the best outcomes not just the negative ones. Worry drains your resources to recouperate.

Remember, guilt is based on the the past...something you can do nothing about, worry is based on the future which is unknown.

Take vitamins.....educate yourself on any side effects or interactions.

Smile ....alot.....sing.....even hum alittle...i believe music is a mirror to a happy soul.

Keep in good stead with whom ever you want and care about.

Don't be pressured to 'like' everyone. Hey..not eveyone likes you or me....even family can drive ya nuts.

Eliminate the energy zappers. Like those in your life that focus on the negative all the time or put you down...or expect too much.

Do research on creams, sunscreen etc.

Get medical testing as suggested by your dr. Don't ignore symptoms because of fear....doing so can have a very negative outcome.....death. Better to know than not.

Eat nutriously......reduce fat...blah blah know the things to do and don't do. The papers are filled with ideas.

Listen to your own body. Only you can know what is best in the end.

Well..there ya two cents based on many nights of reading...being in the medical field....and now if you don't mind....i'm going to sign off....excuse myself..and go dunk my head in the sink....for really knowing alot of the answers to this question myself...and yet not doing all i can. Lol

hope you are helped a tad.

Peace out!!!

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6d ago

To look younger, you may consider maintaining a healthy skincare routine, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding excess sun exposure. In addition, regular exercise and reducing stress can also contribute to a more youthful appearance. Lastly, considering consulting with a dermatologist for personalized suggestions.

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12y ago

If you want to live longer, you will have to make big changes in your life.

1. Eat healthy. Limit consumption of red meat and other junk food. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you want to eat meat, I would strongly recommend you eat only fish and white meat. DO NOT follow fad diets. Assume Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig count as fads. Alcohol in moderation can also add years to your life. If you are at least 21 years old, drink a serving or two of alcohol a day. However, drinking to the point of intoxication is dangerous and subtracts many years from your life.

2. Exercise. You don't need to be an olympic athlete to live a long life. Just don't sit on the couch all day. Walk or ride your bike for 30 minutes a day. Do something you enjoy and will do for the rest of your life.

3. DON'T BE LAZY! The longest lived are the hard-workers. Set goals and do your best to achieve them. Don't give up. If I were you, I would wait longer to retire.

4. DO worry. Refuse to believe the myth that worrying shortens your life. People who worry are conscientious. Conscientious people are very careful about what they do and are less likely to die early deaths. So worrying doesn't hurt you, it helps you.

5. Whatever you do, DON'T EVER SMOKE. Tobacco smoke has over 4,000 chemicals that harm your body. The smoke impairs your athletic performance and makes breathing a challenge. It clogs your arteries and damages the entire body.

6. Brush and floss regularly.

7. People who have a religion and practice their faith live longer.

8. Sex expands your life. Having sex a few times a week will make you live longer. However, you will have to be faithful to your partner. Monogamy is key to a healthy sex life. Don't go unprotected and don't have multiple partners at a time. Don't watch pornography, as it gets in the way of a healthy relationship.

9. Try not to drive or ride in automobiles unless you really need too. And wear your seat belt on every ride. Alternatives to driving include walking and riding your bike. Motorcycling counts as driving. You'll increase your life and help the environment.

10. Get plenty of sleep. An adult should get 8 hours a night. Sleeping too little is bad, but sleeping too much is bad for you too.

11. Move to long-lived countries like Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, etc.

12. Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity takes a serious toll on your health. Being too skinny is not good for you either. Try to maintain a BMI of 18.5-24.9. Keep in mind that having too much body fat is also unhealthy, even if you are in the healthy weight range.

13. Don't get too stressed out. Stress happens to everyone, but too much stress harms your health. If you can handle stress well, you are good to go.

14. Do neurobic exercises daily. Work out your mind as well as your body.

15. Limit screen time. Too much time in front of the TV is said to be the cause of obesity. Why don't you go outside and breathe in fresh air?

16. Don't live a high-risk lifestyle. Risky activities increase your risk of death.

17. Laugh at and learn from your mistakes.

18. Volunteer on a weekly basis.

19. Enjoy your life!

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2y ago

It’s no secret that aging is inevitable. But, if you have to age, why not do everything you can to put it off as long as possible? It turns out it’s more than your genes and the sun that may be aging you. Read on for eight ways to maintain a youthful appearance…

  1. Stay out of the sun

While it’s true that the sun isn’t the only factor in the overall appearance of your skin, it does play a huge role. In fact, damage from the sun’s UV light (UVA and UVB rays) is responsible for about 90% of your skin’s visible signs of aging. UV rays break down the elastin in your skin, causing a saggy and dull appearance, wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone, and more.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Another key to younger looking skin is hydration. You should aim for 8 glasses of filtered water each day to keep your skin looking radiant and support optimal health. Dehydration can quickly cause your skin to look dry and dull — emphasizing wrinkles and aging. Drinking enough water each day replenishes your skin’s tissue and cells, allowing for younger and healthier looking skin.

  1. Get some ZZZs

Another key to maintaining a youthful appearance is to simply get some rest! When you sleep, your body continuously releases hormones that promote cell turnover and renewal. Use this time to your advantage — this is when you should be using age-defying actives such as retinoids and beta hydroxy acid, which are both powerful exfoliants and wrinkle erasers. But keep in mind that these increase your sensitivity to sunlight, so be extra vigilant with the sunscreen.

To take it a step further, consider upgrading to a satin pillowcase. Over time, tossing and turning on a rougher fabric, such as cotton, can contribute to the breakdown of collagen in your skin, leading to wrinkles.

  1. Rub it in

While water helps your skin stay hydrated from the inside out, you can also help it along by making sure you’re using the right kind of moisturizer consistently. Hydrated skin not only looks better, it is also stronger and better able to fight off any irritants. Moisturizers consist of two components to help your skin feel soft and supple: humectants, which draw in water from the air to your skin, and emollients, which help strengthen your skin’s lipid barrier and hold in moisture. Creams and moisturizers are not all created equal. It is important to use Clinical Grade products with better absorption and penetration into the skin, also with higher active ingredients, for best results, and backed by clinical studies proven to treat and protect the skin. These results driven clinical grade skincare products are only sold at Medical Practices like us.

  1. Eat a diet rich in plants

The benefits of a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables are many. They provide key nutrients that help support healthy aging and keep your body young, both on the inside and out. Fruits and vegetables also up your intake of phytonutrients, which help your body ward off the damaging effects of free radicals found in the environment. Aim to eat a healthy diet consisting of mostly fruits and vegetables, supplemented with whole grains and healthy, lean proteins.

  1. Get moving

Staying active is helpful in maintaining a healthy weight, but did you know that it has been proven to also help you look younger? Research has shown that vigorous exercise, especially high intensity interval training (HIIT), can slow your aging at a cellular level by nearly 10 years. But the benefits don’t stop there — exercise also increases blood flow, moving oxygen and critical nutrients throughout your body, leading to a more youthful appearance. Further, regular exercise is critical to maintaining strength and muscle mass, which also boasts a ton of health benefits and can add years to your lifespan.

  1. Establish a good routine

While there are steps that can be taken to help reverse damage to your skin, it is so much easier to help prevent the damage before it begins. Make a good skin care routine your daily habit. Aim to use a gentle cleanser and exfoliant, and make sure that you’re using the proper treatments and serums for your skin type and needs. And be sure to use a daily moisturizer to increase your skin’s elasticity and keep it hydrated.

  1. Limit alcohol and caffeine

While we love a good martini or latte as much as the next person, and both alcohol and caffeine can have health benefits when consumed in moderation, too much can wreak havoc on your skin. Both can dehydrate your body and rob it of key nutrients. What’s even worse is that some of these effects can be permanent.

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