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Well you need be her best friend and trust her also u need be nice to her if she needs any help from her problems then u need help her then that when she gonna start liking u :)

No Way! the above answer is totally off! If you become her friend and try to get close to her as a friend that is exactly what you will be : a BFF stuck in the dreaded friend zone. And as any guy knows, it's easier to get out of a sinking hole of quicksand while being attacked by tigers than the friend zone.

Be a man have guts and claim whats your! Girls love confidence and guys who are proactive. Ask her out in a clever cute way and remember - you are her equal!

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Q: How can i start a relationship with a girl that already knows i like her?
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Just start out with a low, steady conversation with her and let it lead to a friendship in which can be from there (after some time) turned into a very lasting relationship, it is sometimes very helpful to start out with a friend relationship simply because he or she already knows the person and their emotions, plus on how to deal with them, that helps out a lot in a new relationship (going away from the friend-zone).

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it means that she likes u but shes not ready for a relationship because she knows she'll be distracted by it she wants to focus on skool

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tell some BIG mouth that u dont like her anymore then when she figures out start talking to her more and seem intrested in what she is

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if someone is already in a relationship with someone else it is wrong to pursue them.

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that means that girl likes YOU and wants the girl your dating to get jelous and break up with you

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It is difficult to divide her love. The best go and get your own girl.

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This largely depends on the relationship you have already established with the girl and the question she asked. It could be a variety of answers, including she likes you and wants to be in a relationship with you, or you are a trusted friend and she needs relationship advice.

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The Good Left Undone is about an impossible relationship, one that he wants but knows is wrong to pursue, be it a situation of age, social status, already having a significant other, or whatever. The flower is a metaphor for a girl. He knows that if the relationship goes on it's only going to hurt her, and so accepts the hurt of letting her go.

What do you do when a girl loves you even if you already have a relationship with another girl?

just be honest , and try to explain to the girle how loves you that you already have a relationship , tell her that you respect her more because she told you the thru , but you are not going to respect yourself if you let go you girlefriend .