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Inert ideas can be prevented from becoming inert by actively engaging with them through discussion, application, and reflection. By continually questioning and challenging these ideas, incorporating them into practical situations, and seeking feedback from others, their relevance and importance can be maintained. Additionally, staying open to new information and perspectives can help to keep ideas dynamic and avoid becoming stagnant.

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The concept of macdonaldization is based on the ideas of whom?

The concept of McDonaldisation is based on the ideas of sociologist George Ritzer, who argues that society is becoming more standardized, efficient, and calculating in a manner similar to the fast-food industry.

What part of the paper helps you organize your ideas and shows the relationship among ideas in your writing?

An outline helps you organize your ideas and shows the relationship among ideas in your writing. It provides a structured framework for your thoughts and helps you see how different points are connected to each other in a logical way.

What are underlining ideas?

Underlying ideas refer to the foundational principles or concepts that form the basis of a particular topic, argument, or theory. These ideas are often not explicitly stated but can be identified through analysis and interpretation of the subject matter. Understanding underlying ideas can provide deeper insight and clarity on a given subject.

How does research support your ideas?

Research provides evidence and data to support assertions, helping to validate the credibility and accuracy of ideas. By referencing existing studies and findings, ideas are strengthened and have a solid foundation for discussion and analysis. Additionally, research allows for a deeper understanding of complex topics and can uncover new insights or perspectives.

How deadlock can be prevented?

Deadlock can be prevented by using techniques such as enforcing a strict ordering of resource requests, implementing a timeout mechanism that releases resources if they are not available within a certain time frame, using resource preemption to forcibly take resources from one process to allocate to another, or designing systems that minimize the possibility of circular wait conditions. Additionally, avoiding the use of multiple resources at the same time or reducing resource contention can also help prevent deadlock.

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