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It depends on how much ink and what type of ink. I wear lab coat and usually work with black pen ink lines or occasional blot of ink. With this smaller amount ink, hairspray works best for me. I will work it or soak it depending on the ink's response to the stain.

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Q: How can ink stains be removed from fabric?
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How do you get ink out tan material?

Hopefully you have not washed and dried the fabric. I spray hair spray on the ink. Use lots of it and you will see the ink start to run down the fabric. Then wash the item in cold water. If the ink was not totally removed repeat. If you can help it do not dry in the dryer until the stain is totally removed.

Which cleaning product removes ink stains best?

You can use hairspray to remove ink from clothing. Spray enough hairspray on the stain so that it penetrates the material. Then rub the fabric on itself. This helps to release the ink from the fibres. Then rub some handsoap onto the stain and rub into the fabric. Scrub the fabric and rinse. Repeat if necessary. This works best on cotton, polyester, and denim.

How do you remove stains from white clothing?

Stains are removed from white fabric in a very similar way to removing stains from any other fabric, it tends to depend on what made the stain. The biggest difference is that, if the fabric isn't too delicate, you can bleach white clothing. There will be directions on your washing machine which will help you know how much bleach to use in a load of laundry, this can vary by machine.

What kind of cleaner removes ink stains the best?

what kind of cleaner removes ink stains the best what do i wish to do,test,and learn about whatkind of cleaner removes ink stains the best

Can you use fabric ink in printers?

Computer printer's ink is specially formulated, and I would recommend not using a fabric ink.

How can you get ink stains out of clothing that has been washed?

It is not easy! Try alcohol soaks if it does not hurt your fabric. Also, you can lit the area sit overnight in something like easywash.

How can bleach stains be removed from white synthetic fabric?

Try sodium hypochlorite, one glass for 5 liters of water. (2 hours)

How do fabric dyes work?

it stains the fabric the dyes color

How do I remove stains from a fabric curtain?

Shout of tide for colors are both great sources of removing stains from fabric curtains.

How do you remove moth stains from fabric and walls?

Moth stains can be removed from fabric and walls by using a simple solution of soap and baking soda. Scrub the solution gently on the fabric and walls, and then rinse.

How do you get ink stains out of a pair of jeans?

Here are some suggestions for getting ink stains out of jeans:

What kinds of stains does Shout remove?

Shout removes stains from jam, grass stains, coffee stains, ink stains, blood stains, motor oil stains, etc.