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By eating excessively for junk food, weight gain and sometimes diabetes happens because of high consuming of carbohydrates in such a meal. It has been proved that junk food leads to obesity and brain affection over a certain moment of time. Addiction often happens to millions of people worldwide after eating junk food once.

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14y ago

Your heart is your main organ. Because these junk foods are high in fat this is stored in the body. These fatty deposits then build up in your arteries,cuasing your organs to have to work harder. Too much will overload your hearts work which will eventually give up on you.

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Well, fried foods aren't very good for your respiratory system at all. So avoid french fries if you can. But some junk foods don't do any harm to your respiratory system.

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Q: How can junk food effect the organ system?
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How does junk food damage your organ systems?

Junk food can damage your organ systems by clogging your arteries, cause damage to the artery walls causing dangerous blood clots. Junk food can also cause obesity if not eaten in moderation.

How does junk food affect your teeth?

No effect

Which organs are mostly affected by eating junk food?

Junk food over a long period of time can affect every organ. This is because the organs can become strained with too much fat on them.Junk food affects mainly the pancreas and liver (due to the toxins, additives and preservatives in the junk food), and even the stomach and intestinal tract. It is not just one organ that junk food affects.

The effect of junk food?

Obesity,addiction,bone strength and heart diseases

How does junk food effect a body?

it makes you obese if you eat too much of it

How does junk food effect your fitness?

Junk food items are high in calorie and contain a lot of fat and fatty acids. They cause obesity and cholesterol which are both dangerous.

How can you control the effect of junk food?

Of course, do regular exersise and stay healthy and fit. Too much junk food is bad so stay around your GDA

How burger effect health?

eating lots of burger and junk food can cause depression

What is the effect of junk food on the kidneys - my dad has a sickness caused by junk food?

Junk food is loaded with preservatives, fats and sugars which are all dificult for the kidney to process. They put a strain on the kidney that after time slows up its work and quits functioning. Result is sickness. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables instead of junk food. .

Can you give me a sentence for deleterious?

Eating too much junk food can have a deleterious effect on your health.

What are the positive effect of junk food?

junk food makes you fat which slows down the bloodso your brain will think slow so you ll be ignorant

Can junk food effect your appendix?

Lol my doc sed the appendix duznt do anything so probably not