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Scientists distinguish mammal fossils by their teeth and jawbones. These structures are completely unique to mammals. ChaCha!

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Q: How can mammals be distinguished from other vertebrates on the basis of the fossils they leave behind?
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What fossils formed when an organism dissolves and leaves an empty space in a rock are called?

Voids left behind by once present fossils are called 'trace fossils'.

Fossils formed when an organism dissolves and leaves an empty space in a rock are called?

Voids left behind by once present fossils are called 'trace fossils'.

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Therapsida are a group of Synapsids that include mammals and their immediate evolutionary ancestors. Synapsids are a group of reptiles with fossils aging from 320 to 100 Mya. This group includes mammals and, mammal like reptiles. These animals are classified differently than Sauropsids (birds and reptiles) because they have a single opening in their skull behind each eye (temporal fenestra) which is also true of modern mammals. The best answer would be Therapsida.

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because the fossil is behind of the filipins

Define fossils and explain how fossil are made?

Fossils are depositions of dead animal imprints and/or bones. When an animal or plant dies, its skin rots away, leaving behind the bone or imprint.

Why can't you turn fossils into Pokemon on Pokemon pearl?

got to orebrough city mining meuseum and talk to the person on the right behind the counter and she will turn the fossils into Pokemon for you

How does the fossils record arganize fossils?

The fossil record is thought to organize things in age order with the older rocks behind at the bottom and newer rocks being at the top.

How did people know dinosaurs are real?

When a dino dies, it becomes a fossil. We know that the dinosaurs existed because they left behind fossils we see today.

What are the 4 characteristics shared by all mammals?

I think there is more than 4.These charactheristics only mammals have:1. Only mammals(female) produce milk to feed their young. Milk is produced in the mammary glands, and it is from here mammals have gotten their name.2. The lower jaw in mammals is a single bone on either side. In all other vertebrates there are more than one bone on each side of the jaw3.The mammal middle ear, and only the mammal middle ear, contains 3 bones. The Stapes or (Stirrup), Incus or (Anvil) and the Malleus or (Hammer)4.In mammals the main artery leaving the heart curves to the left becoming the aortic arch. In birds it curves to the right and in all other vertebrates there are more than one main artery leaving the heart.5.Mammals have a diaphragm. A sheet of muscle and tendon that separates the body cavity into two sections. Heart and lungs before/above, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, etc, behind/below. No other animal has a diaphragm.6.No other animal has hair in the same form as mammals, and all mammals have some hair at least at the beginning of their lives - baby whales and dolphins are born with a moustache.And then there are several more than mammals share with other groups, like verterbrae and that mammals are warm blooded, and that mammals have lungs to breathe airAll mammals are warm blooded,All mammals are air breathersMammals give live birthEvery mammal is a vertebrate.