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Q: How can man adopt the environment to his needs?
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How do they adopt to their natural environment?

The animals adopt to their natural environment, by their suitable body structure which is supported to their surrounding environment.

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it doesnt the environment adopts to it!

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What is fuerst and wolf's principle in nursing?

principles of nursing as proposed by Fuerst and Wolfs are threefold namely: - man as an organism well being is attained when the body's physiologic and psychological needs are being satisfied. since man is an organism the needs must be met to enable him function effectively. these needs are food water air rest/sleep and elimination. the role of the nurse is to understand how these body functions occur and effects on individual. The nurse must ensure that individuals who are not able to eat well are fed. this principle indicates that health practitioners including nurses need to have sound knowledge of human needs to provide society with high quality services - man as a unique human being every human being has an inalienable right right. though there are common characteristics no two individuals are the same. this principle can be expressed well by saying nursing is caring. individuals are different and must be treated on the basis of their uniqueness. If patient A cried when given injection does not mean B will do the same. - man and his environment man's environment can be classified as; social which includes man's interpersonal dynamism. the social environment creates a sense of affection and disaffection, security or insecurity; biological which includes all viable things apart from man, such as bacteria and other microbes; and physical environment which includes non living aspects such as air, water, land which are vital ti existence. man influences his environments and the environment influences man. there is constant interaction between man and his environment. the relationship between man and his environment are never static, always changing. as man relates with the environment he needs to be protected from the external causes of illness. the environment therefore modifies man's behaviour. consequently, man changes constantly to meet the demands of the ever changing environment. the environment needs to be considered as an integral aspect of nursing,particularly with respect to the patient's safety. the role of the nurse is to help in reducing or eliminating physical, biological, social, chemical or microbial factors in the environment that contribute to illness or injury. one of the ways of protecting the individual is through education for them to adopt to healthy lifestyle.

Why man modifies his environment?

as the population started growing our needs also started growing so we humans started modifying our environment

How do people in New delhi adopt to their environment?

don't know they adopt by jumping up and down

How early man satisfied his basic needs from his environment?

Early man used natural sources such as animals,plants,coal and firewood.

How does a fossa adapt to its environment?

It has to adopt the right traits

Can you adopt a dog that you have rescued?

If it needs a home then why not?

How do you protect a environment?

first of all it is AN environment. but you can start a charity or something and raise money for the terrain you are interested in protecting. if it is rain forest, you can actually adopt an acre. or you can adopt a highway.

How people in Karachi adopt environment?

by understanding how they should live there.