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Q: How can management delegate to employees?
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Why do some managers find it difficult to delegate?

Some managers find it difficult to delegate because they don't trust their employees getting the job done. It is best to delegate, so that businesses can do more with the resources they have.

How does information technology bring employees closer to upper management?

employees can with upper management directly through email

What types of management support?

Management supports employees in many different ways. Typically management ensures that the employees are following procedure and they are trained to do so.

Who in management supervises the production clerical and other employees?

Operational Management

What are the advantages of the human relations approach in management?

The human relations approach in management has been shown to motivate employees. This is done because management takes an interest in and cares about their employees.

How would a person learn to properly delegate work to their employees?

Delegating work involves being able to efficiently manage the work that is to be carried out and identifying the right employee to delegate the work to according to their ability.

What is the aims of the performance management?

Performance management helps managers develop their employees. When they monitor performance, they can help their employees become better at their jobs.

What is neoclassical management?

Neoclassical management was the shifting away from the early classical management style to one looking at the human side of an organization and the social needs of employees. It was based on the idea that the role of management is to determine how to use employees to get things done in organizations. There were two movements in neoclassical management - the human relations movement and the behavioral movement.

Which management level is interested in hours worked by employees?

mid level management

What does human resources management do?

motovate employees