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Bunions may form as a result of abnormal motion of the foot during walking or running.

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Q: How can motion cause the formation of a bunion?
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Why does your butt have bunions?

Because there are muscles and fat deposits that protect the butt from rubbing on an object to the point of bunion formation. Bunion formation forms when a bony prominance rubs against a hard surface. The bones in the buttocks are deep inside muscle.

What types of shoes can cause bunions?

Wearing improperly fitting shoes, especially those with a narrow toe box and excessive heel height, often causes the formation of a bunion.

What physical conditions contribute to bunion formation?

flat-footedness, a tight Achilles tendon, and rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the best choice in shoewear for preventing the formation of a bunion?

Shoes with a wide and deep toe box are best.

Can you actually break a bunion on your foot from a fall that would cause it to swell to twice it's usual size?

Yes, I can break a bunion on my foot from a fall.

How is the metatarsal bone displaced causing the formation of a bunion?

This foot bone is displaced in the direction of the four other metatarsals connected with the toes.

What impact does pain from a bunion have on range of motion of the big toe?

Inflammation of this area causes a decrease in motion with associated discomfort in the joint between the big toe and the first metatarsal.

Is a bunion a contraindication for a foot massage?

A bunion is locally contraindicated for massage. Factors in the formation of bunion formation are pressure and rubbing of the joint, massage would likely aggravate the condition. In the acute stage: ice, reduction in inflammation and swelling by lymphatic drainage may be indicated. For the client, it is most critical to reduce the pressure on the joint by changes in their footwear; the condition has been eliminated by improvement of the fit, style (no high heals), or adaptation (local stretch of shoe in the bunion area). Leather shoes are required to provide the necessary support and adaptation for the foot. Encourage the client to see a podiatrist.

What is hallux valgus?

bunion deformityA bunion.

How may one be disposed to bunion formation?

if the individual's mother or father had the condition, he or she is at an increased risk of developing one as well. Bunions can also be a result of a congenital deformity

How can physical therapy help a bunion sufferer?

Deep friction massage techniques by a physical or massage therapist can be helpful to increase circulation, reduce inflammation, and prevent soft tissue build up.

Which are some tips for soothing bunion pain?

To sooth bunion pain, one could purchase a bunion protection sock. Alternatively, one could purchase new shoes to ease the pain, or have the bunion surgically removed by a doctor.