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Some ionic compounds contain polyatomic ions. These are ions that consist of two or more atoms held together by covalent bond like in a molecule, except that it has an overall electrical charge.

One common polyatomic ion is the carbonate ion, CO32- It will combine with other ions to form ionic compounds such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

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Q: How can one compound both ionic and covalent bond?
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No An ionic compound is formed when a metal and a non-metal bond together. Both F and Cl are non-metals, therefore FCl is a covalent bond. I am, however, not sure as to whether FCl is molecular or network

Can a bond be a covalent and ionic bond?

No. A bond cannot be both covalent and ionic. A bond can be covalent, ionic or metallic. In covalent bonding electrons are shared, electrons are transferred in ionic bonding and electrons move about in a sea of electrons in metallic bonds.

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Can a molecule be held together by both a covalent bond and ionic bond?

I think so. Here covalent and there ionic.

What type of bonding is in the compound Chloride?

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