

How can one easily style a PHP code?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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There are many ways that one could style a PHP code. One would first have to learn how to properly format PHP coding and use the C++ programming language to make it look nice.

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We can use php tags in different ways. <?php //php code to be written here ?> OR <? //php code ?> This tag will not work when we using editors such as macromedia dreamweaver. OR < script language="php"> //php code </script>

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Yep. We do it all the time. One way is to simply tell PHP that you want the tags echoed. Like so: <?php echo('<b>Hi</b> Nice to meet you!'); ?> Sometimes you want instead to simply use the PHP in parts of a page and leave the rest. You can do this, too. <body> <div class="login"> <?php if($user->loggedIn()){ ?> <b>Hi!</b> <?php }else{ ?> <!-- HTML FORM HERE --> <?php } ?> </div> </body>

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If you would like to code this by yourself, you need to understand SQL language and php, and also (maybe) html. But, you can also find some scripts to download for free, like this one: It works great!

What are the various ways to embedded PHP in HTML coding?

there are in fact two basic methods - one is called minimal PHP, and the second tends to be referred to as the CGI-way. minimal php means that you're making php secions in HTML only where really necessary (using the php section begin (<?php ) and end (?> ) tags.). the CGI-way, or maximum PHP means, that you're in fact embedding HTML into strings in php, and the whole page is echo()ed. the second way tends to be viewed as an abuse of php by some people, as php was meant to be "templating" language, and designed to be used mainly the first way.

Will PHP code developed on Windows work on an Apache server on Linux?

Generally speaking, yes. There are certain extensions to PHP one could install on Windows that would provide functions that aren't present on Linux.

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One of the possible scenarios is php file which is used is outdated. Major CMS vendors generally specify the php version which can be used to code. Use that version or above and the error message should leave automatically

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in php used for one typ website