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Generally speaking, yes. There are certain extensions to PHP one could install on Windows that would provide functions that aren't present on Linux.

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Q: Will PHP code developed on Windows work on an Apache server on Linux?
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Which operating system is used for Apache web server?

Although Apache was originally developed for Unix and Linux based systems it will also run under Windows.

What is the best version of Windows to use when running an Apache web server?


How do you hide the website server details like it is Linux server or windows server like Google?

If you're using Apache, it may be as simple as turning ServerSignature Off in your Apache configuration file.

What is apache server in Linux use for?

The Apache Foundation is most widely known for their Hypertext Transfer Protocol server.

What is a good server for PHP language?

The best server yet for php serving is Apache, as PHP and Apache work closely together. The MySQL community database is a good server for PHP applications, this is why we talk about w/xamp servers, Windows/Linux Apache MySQL PHP servers.

What is a wamp?

It is a web server running on windows which uses at least 4 components. 1. Windows 2. Apache 3. MySQL 4. PHP If you setup a web server on a Linux system then it would be called a LAMP server.

Is the apache web server easy to use?

I can not answer this about the Windows version of Apache but if you use any version of Linux or UNIX it is real easy to set up. I t normally takes about 15 to 30 minutes for a newbie to set up Apache as a web server. There are literally hundreds of articles and videos on the web to help set up Apache. Many of the Linux distros has Apache as a part of their Linux Packages. All of the Linux distros has Apache in their repositories available for download. t depends on whether or not you are fluent in UNIX, most people are not these days since it is more kin to windows DOS than Vista or 7. If you are not and wondering what the world UNIX is then it is not going to be easy to use.

What is Most common open source web server available for Linux?

The Apache web server.

What web server is used in SUSE Linux 9.3?

Probably Apache

Which server application is better Linux or Windows 2008?


Is a Windows server better than a Linux server for the web?

In my personal opinion, No, a Linux server is the better answer for the web. I would recommend a windows server only when running asp/.net, and with the introduction of mono (an apache module), Linux machines can run .net (although I've never used this, myself, and it is in its infancy). Linux, in general, has much better thread and memory handling than Windows. In a multi-threaded web server, it should serve you better. Remember, that things like this are always a personal preference type of thing, and the debate between Windows and Linux is fierce. My advice would be to look up benchmarking information for Windows web servers and Linux web servers, and see which would suit your needs.

What is the most common open source web server available for Linux?

The apache http server