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There are two ways that have shown to reduce breast size without having surgery. If you want to decrease the size of your breasts, you can try losing weight. Typically, the first place you lose weight from is your breasts. It has also been found that breast size can decrease from breastfeeding.

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Q: How can one have a breast reduction without surgery?
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Where can one find information on male breast reduction?

The process of breast reduction in males is the same as breast reduction in women, however the male breast reduction is called "Gynecomastia". A breast reduction is the reduction via surgery to reduce the size of large breasts, or to implant breast silicon to make a breast larger. The "American Society of Plastic Surgeons" offer information of male breast reduction.

Is a breast augmentation performed to reduce breast size?

Breast augmentation is for enlarging a breast size, but there is a surgery for breast reduction. Each surgery does a different shaping to the breast. One makes it larger and the other makes it smaller.

Where can one get breast enhancement without needing a surgery?

You can get breast enhancement at a variety of locations without needing surgery such as psychotherapy. In Germany, they have developed methods to grow breasts without surgery.

Where can one find information about the risks of having breast reduction surgery?

Information about the risks of having a breast reduction surgery can be found on many medical websites. Webmd, Surgery, and NHS offer information on this topic. The best solution would be to go to a doctor and ask him about the risks involved.

Where can one find some breast reduction pics?

One can find breast reduction pictures in the book Your Complete Guide to Breast Reduction and Breast Lifts by Alain Polynice, MD and Aloysius Smith MD. The book provides answers to common questions about the procedure and contains 60 color photos, many of them before and after surgery pictures.

Where can one find information on breast reduction scars?

Information on breast reduction scars can be found online from many different websites. Some examples of these websites include WebMD, Real Self, and Surgery.

Where can one find information videos about breast reduction?

One can find informational videos about breast surgery on Youtube. This site specializes in videos ranging from entertainment to informational of all topics.

Why might one get a gynecomastia plastic surgery?

Males who are looking for breast reduction surgery for the condition known as gynecomastia have options. Plastic surgeons perform these procedures throughout the United States.

What is a gastric bypass medicaid?

Gastric bypass is weight reduction surgery. To qualify for madicaid coverage in receiving a bypass surgery one must be considered fully disabled without surgery.

Where can someone find breast reduction photos?

Someone can find breast reduction photos at a local Web MD US clinic. One can also find breast reduction photos on the official website of the clinic Web MD.

How should my breast look after 4 weeks from breast reduction?

yes it is possible to have breast implants after just having breast reduction but there are many cautions to doing that. The technique of the breast reduction will guide your plastic surgeon regarding the safest access to place the implants through.

What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?

There are several risks involved with breast reduction surgery. They can involve the following: infection, bleeding issues, reaction to anesthetic, uneven breast, nipple problems and nipple numbness.Breast reduction surgery holds many risks. It includes the usual surgery risks, including infection. But it could also go very wrong, including surgery mistakes and taking out the wrong one.