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Although organisms with the same physical characteristics have the same PHENOTYPE, they might have different GENOTYPE, or genetic makeup.

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Q: How can organisms have the same DNA but look and act differently?
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Does DNA look the same in all organisms?


Why do you think that it is important that the structure of DNA is the same in all organisms?

DNA is the same in all organisms because we are basically animals

If organisms have the same bone structure would they have the same DNA?

no because the DNA doesn't make up what your bone structure will look like it just means they inherited it from there ancestors.

Does DNA have same basic structure from all organisms?

Yes. The basic structure of DNA is universal for all organisms.

Has the structure of DNA changed over time?

Although there are three forms of DNA that have been discovered (A form, B form and the Z form), the structure of DNA itself is the same in all organisms. DNA may be packed differently or may contain additional chemical groups attached to the bases (like methylated DNA). However, the structure of DNA is similar in all organisms. This is the reason why it has been named the molecule of life.

Will DNA from a strawberry look like the DNA model you have been studying?

Yes - the appearance of DNA is identical in all organisms.

Why were archaea and bacteria together?

they look similar, they have similar DNA, they are both very ancient organisms, they both perform the same ecological function

What DNA does?

It is the genetic matirial of all living organisms. It makes you look and act similar yet not exactly the same as your parents or siblings.

How does DNA look in fish gonads?

It looks the same as it does everywhere else. DNA is DNA. Its structure is the same everywhere.

The DNA of all living organisms is composed of the same nucleotides It is only the sequence of nucleotides and quantity of DNA an organism possesses that cause the differences between organisms?


How are extinct organisms related to other extinct organisms as well as living organisms?

By the way they look, (their bone structure, body weight) and DNA too.

Why is DNA analysis suck a good tool for classifying organisms?

The knowledge of DNA makes for more accurate classification of organisms because the scientists can examine certain species of organisms and see if there are related or closely related to determine weather or not they can be classified in the same group or not.