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Q: How can oxygen cross through the membrane?
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Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the plasma membrane by?

passive diffusion through the lipid bilayer

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How can oxygen cross the membrane?

By the process of simple diffusion.

How does nutrients cross plasma membrane?

Things like oxygen, CO2 and lipids cross the membrane with simple diffusion. Water can cross the membrane with osmosis when the water moves through a channel protein in the plasma membrane. Glucose, potassium, sodium etc. moves through a carrier protein in the membrane with the process of active movement. In the process of active movement energy is needed and it is given by the glucose or ATP from the cell.

How does CO2 cross the cell membrane?

No, carbon dioxide does not need a transport protein to cross the cell membrane. It can pass through a membrane by diffusion.

Why can oxygen diffuse across a cell but a protein cannot?

Oxygen is much smaller than a protein.proteins are too largeDifference in size

What process does oxygen and carbon dioxide use to cross the plasma membrane?


Does oxygen diffuse through a semipermable membrane?


Oxygen diffuses through what structure?

A semipermeable membrane.

Oxygen carbon dioxide glucose and other small molecules cross the plasma membrane through the process of?

i don't know u tell me

How do molecules that are too large to cross the membrance enter into the cell?

If the large molecule won't pass through the membrane by diffusion, it might be dragged through the membrane by "endocytosis".