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Q: How can penguins survive in Africa when it is so warm?
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What is the importance of African penguins?

They are African. Theres not much snow in africa so how do they survive is the question.

What traits do penguins have that helps them with there survive in or adapt to its environment?

they have a oil on their fur or blubber so they are warm and can adapt to weather quickly

How do penguins live in the Antarctic?

Penguins live in ocean waters -- they are sea birds. Their feather patterns and a layer of blubber keep their vital organs warm so that they survive in their natural habitat.

What makes penguins so warm in the cold?

Their down keeps them warm.

How are penguins adapted to life in the sea?

penguins have strong wings so they can swim 'fluffy fur so they keep warm and to keep there eggs and children warm

Is a penguin warm or cold blooded?

Penguins are birds.. So I think their warm blooded.

Why is it important that penguins survive?

So they can be food for whale sharks...

How do penguins survive in tropical places?

Penguins are known for 'huddling' together in large groups to share body heat, shuffling around to switch out penguins from the comfortable, warm center of the group to the harsher outside as to warm all of them more or less equally.

Why do penguins huddle together to keep warm?

Basically they huddle together so they stay warm

Suggest how huddling helps the penguins to keep warm in extreme cold?

The penguins each take turns to go in the middle of the 'waddling circle' so that the circle of penguins around them warm the middle one with their body heat.

Why are penguins fluffy?

penguins are born with fluff to keep them warm until their blubber thickens so they can lose their fluff

How are penguins adaptive to where they lived?

They all huddle so they can stay warm, and eat alot so they can get fat to warm themselves up