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Tigers are becoming endangered because humans are starting to hunt them and use parts of their body: paws, fur, tails, teeth and heads.

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Why are the tigers becoming endangered?

Tigers are endangered, because there are people out there right now waiting to kill them and they know they are going extinct. but people pay good money for them. Their habitat is being reduced, also.

Why do tigers get endangered?

Tigers became endangered because they were being killed in large numbers for their pelts.

Are sibrian tigers endangered?

All species of tigers and other big cats are endangered, either due to poaching, or to the destruction of their environment, which also reduces the prey available.

What are some endangered animals being hunted?

white tigers, blue whales and toucan.

What is the government doing to stop tigers from being endangered?

they catch as much tigers boy and girl as they can and they wait until the tigers mate and when they have a lot of tigers about 600 and they do that over and over again and soon there will be a LOT of tigers

What is being done to help tigers?

There are lots of things being done! There is zoos for tigers. There are sanctuaries just for tigers. Also we are trying to help the tigers get off the endangered list!!!! AND WE SHOULD STOP KILLING THEM AND WHO EVER IS KILLING THEM MOTHER NATURE WILL GET U BACK.

How Can You help the tigers from being Endangered?

You can help the tiger from not being endanngered BY NOT KILLING IT!!! >:(Also, the tiger isn't even endangered! Why worry about it when its not close to dying out?!Tigers are really endandered there used to be 100,000 in the world now there are only 2,500

What caused wolves being endangered?

People killing wolfs caused them to be endangered.

What are tigers hunted by?

hte ppl tht hunted tigers,poachers, hunted tigers for their beautiful stripes now because of them tigers are endangered but fourntaley are being build bak up

What are some causes and effects of a tiger being endangered?

the food chain will be all messed up if tigers go extinct

What caused the tigers to be endangered?

Tigers (Panthera tigris), primarily became endangered due to human exploitation and habitat destruction. Poaching has been a long-term issue with tigers due to their beautiful skins and the high price that can be brought on the black market from pelts, bones, parts, etc.As with most large animals, habitat degradation and fragmentation is generally considered the primary cause.Related Question: What_has_caused_tiger_to_become_endangered

Is the bengal tiger endangered in the amazon rainforest?

Bengal tigers are endangered - but not in the Amazon rain forest. The reason being that the Amazon river is in South America, and tigers are in Asia, another continent. And you only count animals as endangered compared to where they are naturally found. Only way you'd find a tiger in the amazon would be through an escaped zoo or circus animal.