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Going through puberty, one shall expect an imbalance of all hormones, leading to mood swings. Males at times can become very emotional.

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Q: How can puberty change your personality?
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What is personality development related to puberty?

During puberty, individuals undergo significant physical, emotional, and cognitive changes that can influence their personality development. Hormonal fluctuations, increased social interactions, and personal identity exploration during this period can contribute to shaping personality traits and behaviors. Factors such as self-esteem, peer relationships, and family dynamics can also impact personality development during puberty.

Can you change your personality?

yes u can change your personality

Can sexual orintation change during puberty?

It is true to say that sexual orientation change during puberty.

Is it possible to change your personality?

Yes, it is alaways possible to change your personality. You just have to figure out, what you want to change about your current personality, and figure out how you are going to do it.

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How does your body change when you are eight-teen?

Hopefully your body has finished to change (after puberty) at the age of eighteen. Look puberty for more, I guess

Can a person change their MBTI type?

No, MBTI type is considered to be stable and does not change throughout a person's life. It reflects innate personality preferences, which may influence behavior and decision-making. However, individuals can develop and strengthen other aspects of their personality over time.

Is puberty the biggest Chang in your life?

Yes, one can say that. Puberty is indeed the biggest change.

This guy I like has no personality why is that and how can we change it?

1st. If he doesn't have personality whatever, that is just how he is. Would you want some one to change your personality.

How much therapy and for how long to change personality disorders?

Very difficult to change personality disorders.

What is a quantum personality change?

Quantum personality change is "when someone drastically changes his or her personality within an extremely short period of time For example, if someone dramatically altered his or her personality within a day or less, it would be a quantum personality change."

What is the maximum age for body growth for a girl after puberty?

Puberty goes on until age 18-20 and does not grow after puberty. It will change because of age but not grow.