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Measuring the radioacivity of these isotopes can be tracked the course of a technological process because radioisotopes migrate themselves.

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Q: How can radioactive isotopes be ueds as tracers?
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Give two examples of how tracers are used .tell why radioactive isotopes work as tracers?


What isotopes are used as radioactive tracers?

Either beta or gamma

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How can radioactive isotopes be used as tracers?

radioactive isotopes are used to detect medical problems and to treat some diseases.

How are radioactive isotopes help full?

Radioactive isotopes are used in medicine (treatment or diagnostic), as tracers in hydrogeology, physiology, sources of energy, standards for radiation, sterilization, radioactive dating, etc.

How is a radioactive isotope helpful in medicine?

In medicine isotopes are used for treatments, diagnostics or as tracers.

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What are 3 positive things that radioactive atoms can be used for?

- radiodiagnostic- treatment with isotopes- isotopes as tracers- sources of energyand many other

What are radioactive isotopes most commonly used as?

Several applications are:- radioactive tracers- source of energy- source of radiation- diagnostic- treatment- luminescent paintings- sterilization

What can radioactive isotopes be use for?

Radioactive isotopes have many uses:- sources of energy- tracers- treatment of cancers- sources of radiation- components of instruments- nuclear fuels- nuclear bombsand many others