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The problem with explaining humidity, is its relation ship to human life. Nobody is really interested until it affect them. The simplest way to describe relative humidity is at 100% the human body can not evaporate body sweat, and a person feels muggy. At 45% a person will feel the most comfortable. And to understand humidity the hotter the air, the more water it can contain. Humidifiers can help indoors to get an acceptable percentage, to make life comfortable.

I hope this helped.

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Using a Hygrometer.

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They both equal water vapor.

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Q: How can relative humidity be measured?
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Relative humidity can be measured with a?


Relative humidity can be measured with a(an)?


What are facts about relative humidity?

Relative Humidity is measured with a HygrometerHumidity is the amount of water vapor in the air.On hot days, when it feels sticky, the humidity would then be high.

What is the moisture content of air measured as a percent of saturation is the?

relative humidity

How can you measure ralative humidity in a kitchen?

You can measure relative humidity in a kitchen using a hygrometer, which is a device specifically designed to measure the amount of moisture in the air. Simply place the hygrometer in the kitchen and it will provide a reading of the relative humidity percentage.

An instrument that measures relative humidity is called a what?

humidity is moisture in the air and is measured with a hygrometer

What are facts about humidity?

Relative Humidity is measured with a HygrometerHumidity is the amount of water vapor in the air.On hot days, when it feels sticky, the humidity would then be high.

What is a measure of how much water vapor is in a given volume of air?

It is measured in terms of percentage of humidity. A device to measure humidity is called hygrometer. The relative humidity of air can be measured by dry and wet bulb method.

What term indicates the moisture content of the atmosphere measured as a percentage of saturation?

relative humidity

What term indicates the moisture content of the atmosphere measured as the percentage of saturation?

relative humidity

What terms indicates the moisture content of the atmosphere measured as a percentage of saturation?

relative humidity

What is it called when water vapor is measured in comparison to how much there is to how much there could be?

It is called the "relative humidity". The outside air today could have saturation (100% humidity). But is is actually 42% relative humidity. That's "how much there is compared to how much there could be".