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Q: How can robots help humans explore?
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Related questions

What can robots do to help humans with?

Robots can help humans in any way! In the home, business, factories, and can do the most dangerous jobs that humans cant even do!

Why were robots created?

Robots were created to help out with things tough for humans.

Are human being salves or masters of machines?

Humans are not slaves it just that the robots are not friends with the humans until you help the robots then you guys are friends again.

Are robots more helpful or harmful?

I think Robots are helpful because they help carry heavy things for the army, and help firefighters put out fires. Robots have one thing in common, they all help humans. Robots can also help find people after an earthquake or a tornado. Robots help people carry things. My opinion is that robots are helpful

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How robots help us humans?

pick up small things that we cant

When did the robots explore neptune?


When will robots help humans?

Actually, robots help humans plenty right now. Chances are, the car you drive, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and the medicines you take are manufactured largely or at least partly by robots.Also, household robots are starting to clean floors, mow lawns, and aid the disabled. See the related link about domestic robots.

At the woods hole Oceanographic institute Hanumant Singhs robots help do what?

This robot helped him to explore ancient shipwrecks.

Are robots doing too much for humans?

No! Robots are not doing much for humans.

What kind of vehicles explore caves?


Did any robots explore Pluto?

Not yet.