

How can robots sense?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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9y ago

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No offense, but this is a obvious, No, But if you add impaired Sensors on them and program it, it can be able sense and obey your commands/Program on them. Hope This Helps :)

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Q: How can robots sense?
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Robotics is an engineering category, and as such, robots were never "discovered". Robots were designed and built by engineers who had a specific goal in mind when they did so. In a sense, a steam engine is an example of a simple robotic device, since the position of the piston causes the valve to open and close; however, most machines are much more complex before they are considered to be "robotic". Unfortunately, the modern film industry has romanticized robotics and has caused many uneducated people to imagine that robots are sentient entities. Robots are machines. As such, robots have no feelings. Robots, as all machines, perform their tasks as they were designed.

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There are humanoid robots, military robots, insect robots, and space robots. There are more kinds of robots too.