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Q: How can rock that is formed at the mid Atlantic ridge be changed into sedimentary rock?
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What is formed at the mid-Atlantic ridge?

A long continuous chain of mountains under water. New oceanic crust is formed at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Which island sits a top the mid-atlantic ridge?

The biggest island formed by the mid Atlantic ridge is Iceland.

What ridge formed Iceland?

Mid-Atlantic Ridge. (the one between North America und Europe)

What is happening at the mid atlantic ridge?

New crust is being formed.

What mountains were formed by a divergent boundary?

The Himalayas are formed at a continental-continental convergent boundary.The Andes are formed at an oceanic-continental boundary.

When the ridge in the middle of the Atlantic ocean formed along what boundary?

Divergent boundary

What underwater ridge has formed where the North and South American plates meet the African and Eurasia n plates?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge

What rocks are formed under water?

Sedimentary Rocks Don't forget pillow lavas, and water-chilled lavas. Mid-ocean ridge rocks are surely worth a mention. And flow silicates such as the 'Pink and White terraces' and similar elsewhere in the world.

Ocean crust is formed were in the ocean?

Ocean crust is formed at seafloor spreading centers. One example of this is the Mid-Atlantic ridge.

How was the Mid-Atlantic Ridge formed?

the American Plate and Eurasian Plate are moving away from each other and magma rises, hardens to make the ridge

Where do two of the earth's plates split apart?

The Mid-Atlantic-Ridge is where two of Earth's plates split apart. The Mid-Atlantic-Ridge was formed along a divergent boundary where seafloor spreading is taking place.

Ridge that runs through the Atlantic Ocean?

It is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.