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Q: How can scientists tell if evolution is occurring?
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What do evolutionists say about evolution?

Numerous things. Perhaps a search in Google Scholar with the key word "evolution" will tell you something about some of the things that scientists have to say about evolution.

Is evolution occurring in animals?

Yes it is.

How are fossils helpful to scientists who study evolution?

Well they tell about the past... Anyway what grade are you studying this? Is this a homework assignment? Are you cheating on something?

When did scientists believe that chemical evolution occurred?

Scientists have believed that chemical evolution occurred about 4 billion years ago, shortly after the formation of the Earth. This process is thought to have led to the development of the first life forms on our planet.

How do scientists tests ideas about chemical evolution?

Scientists test ideas about chemical evolution by using computer models.

Do you think that evolution by natural selection is occurring in cacti?

Evolution occurs in all life, all the time.

Do any qualified scientists support evolution?

The vast majority of scientists support evolution. There is no longer any debate in the scientific community about whether evolution occurs, only the mechanisms in which evolution acts upon is debated.

What do scientists think about the theory of evolution?

The overwhelming majority of scientists accept the theory of evolution by natural selection. Any scientists that do not accept the theory usually do so for religious reasons.

Where did evolution occur?

The only known instance of evolution occurring is here, on Earth. Logic dictates, however, that evolution occurs wherever there is life.

What are the scientists who study evolution called?


What is a physical archaeologist?

A physical archaeologist is a specialist who studies artifacts, human remains, and other physical evidence left behind by past civilizations. They analyze these materials to reconstruct and interpret the daily lives, customs, and technologies of ancient societies. Physical archaeologists often work in the field, excavating archaeological sites, and in labs, cleaning, cataloging, and studying artifacts.

How does evolution help scientists?

It gives them something to study.