

Best Answer
  1. Abstinence
  2. condoms
  3. Birth Control pills
  4. informing people of ways to prevent pregnancy
  5. parents teaching the importance of preventing pregnancy
  6. Parents watching their kids more and knowing who they are hanging out with and where they are going
  7. Girls not dressing inappropriatly
  8. Girls not dancing inappropriatly
  9. Sex being advertised in the mass media

Most importantly: BETTER EDUCATION FOR OUR YOUTH in regards to sex ed in health classes -- just telling them "don't do it" just entices them. Giving them straight up facts, information and accurate statistics is the only way to help our youth to make INFORMED decisions.

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10y ago

Most of us who work in HIV/STD prevention, and in Family Planning as well, realize that many young people are engaging in sexual behavior. Programs and messages that simply promote abstinence are not effective. What can be much more helpful is to provide young people with the information they need to protect themselves. This is also true when talking about safer sex practices. Young people need information about disease transmission, human sexuality, pregnancy and other issues, not just be told, "Use a condom." When people, young or old, have access to information about their health or bodies, they are much better prepared to make their own decisions about protection. Abstinence and condom use, for example, may be extremely viable options for young people. But this options need to be chosen by young people, not forced upon them.

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Q: How can situation improve of teenagers having unsafe sex resulting in stds and unplanned pregnancies?
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