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The proteins that form the visible striations in skeletal and cardiac muscle are not organized the same way in smooth muscle. It contacts in a similar way but much more slowly and in waves. Some of the proteins are different ones but still produce movement.

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Q: How can smooth muscle contract if it has no striation or sacromeres?
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What muscle lacks organized sacromeres?

The smooth muscle.

how can you contract your smooth muscle?

you cant

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Smooth muscle cells contract in response to fluid flow.

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What muscle can contract without the need for the nervous stimulation?

Smooth & cardiac muscle.

What are contract muscles?

Smooth Muscle contractions are regulated by calcium ions. The smooth muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that its contracts from all sides.

What type of muscle is found in the wall of the stomach?

smooth muscle tissue. it is an involuntary muscle and the stomach can be controled by you.

The only tissue in youur body that is able to contract or shorten?

All types of Muscle tissue contract... This includes Skeletal and Smooth muscle tissue.

What is the type of smooth muscle in which an impulse passes through a large number of cells which subsequently contract in synchrony?

single unit smooth muscle

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Smooth muscle cells are similar to skeletal muscle cells due to the actin-tropomyosin interactions. These interactions "tell" the muscle when to contract.

What type of muscles are striation found in?

The alternating A and I bands on the miofibrils.