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The smooth muscle.

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Q: What muscle lacks organized sacromeres?
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How can smooth muscle contract if it has no striation or sacromeres?

The proteins that form the visible striations in skeletal and cardiac muscle are not organized the same way in smooth muscle. It contacts in a similar way but much more slowly and in waves. Some of the proteins are different ones but still produce movement.

What is the line or streak across a muscle called?

Microscopically you could be seeing sacromeres. Otherwise, these streaks are called striations.

Why is smooth muscle called smooth muscle?

Because it lacks striations the muscle appears to look very smooth under a microscope.

What is the difference between visceral muscle and skeletal muscle?

1) skeletal muscle is voluntary 1) visceral muscle is involuntary 2) it is striated . 2) it is non striated 3) highly organized muscle. 3) less organized muscle

How do you know that a bacterial cell is a prokaryotic cell?

It does not has an organized nucleus.It also lacks membranous organells.

Which type of muscle moves contents through hollow organs such as the intestines?

Something called smooth muscle moves the walls of all hollow organs except the heart. The muscle is called smooth because the microscopic subunits called sacromeres are not in any special arrangement. Skeletal muscle is called striated muscle because these units are in a uniform arrangement that appear as striations when seen under the microscope.

What is the specific relationship of the functional unit of contraction to the striated appearance of a skeletal muscle fiber?

The organization of contractile proteins into a regular end-to-end repeating pattern of sacromeres along the length of each cell accounts for the striated, or striped, appearance of skeletal muscle in longitudinal section.

Which structure is defined by the borders called Z-lines?


What do striations muscles look like?

Striations are light and dark bands on skeletal and caridac muscle fibers. Smooth muscle lacks striations

Cells are organized into blank such as muscle neural and cardiac?

Cells that are the same form tissues. Muscle cells form muscle tissue.

Does smooth muscle have z lines?

No, smooth muscle is poorly organized and do not have the Z lines which are characteristic of sarcomeres.

Why glycogen in muscle cannot be delivered as glucose into the blood?

It lacks the enzyme glucose 6-phosphatase.