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All Social Sciences like sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, and history all revolve around the same basic ideas, however, sociology mainly looks at social events and problems now while history examines entire cultures that existed in the past.

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9y ago
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4mo ago

Sociology can be related to history by studying how societal structures, norms, and institutions have evolved over time, and how they have influenced historical events and trends. By examining social relationships, power dynamics, and cultural changes within different time periods, sociologists can provide insights into the complexity of historical processes and their impacts on society.

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15y ago

Relation between Sociology and History- Both social sciences are now a days coming nearer to each other. Some time ago history was considered as science of some dates, places and struggles.But now people have realizes that why the particular event in history occurred? What was form of the same? In short history is another social science which is related to irect society and sociology. History primarily deals with past events and how they affected society eg how the Ino-Pak partition ,compel Sindhu(Hindu word it self has originated from Sindhu_)to prove themselves laborious, on the other end will be concerned with how people intereacted, how culture was affected etc during the present and before the partition . By presenting following points we can clear the relation of both- 1-Sociology takes help from history in mater of present studies.By comparing between occurring past and present events, one can estimate the factors responsible for occurring that event. 2- Sociology is obvious in history in that the social interactions of individuals have effected history, and then of course there is the history of Sociology itself. 3-There are so many institutions, like family ,tribe, culture, folkways, mores, tradition ,social movements, social changes etc, who have historical background of occurring. On the basis of that we can understand present situation , and try to organized accordingly. 4- In sociological research studies, Historical method of study is very relevant and important. 5-History is not only history of events but it is key to understand present events. In the same way sociology gives social background for the study of historical events. G.E. Harward to remark that History is past Sociology ,and Sociology is present history. But in spite of their close relationship the two sciences are distinct: 1-sociology is general science which covers all human aspects ,while history is special science which study only historical aspects of events. 2-History is related with past events an there is no relation with modern events. Contrary to it Sociology is basically a modern science, which study present social situation of human behavior. 3-Durkheim's book 'The Rules of Sociological Method' says ,sociology is entirely different from history. He further says, historical events have record of individual roles, while sociology means ,it is study of social facts and social representations occurred by social circumstances. 4-History means only description ,while sociology means analysis ,interpretations and classifications. 5-The nature of History is not scientific, which can not be retested .But the test of social phenomenon is possible. social facts can be verified also.

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10y ago

Demography is the study of the worldâ??s population and the impact of population on different parts of the world. Sociology is the study of human behavior in a social context and in groups. While demography examines the effects of population, sociology is concerned with human interaction.

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Q: How can sociology related to history?
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How is history related to economics philosophy psychology sociology political science?

History provides context for economic, philosophical, psychological, sociological, and political developments over time, helping us understand their evolution and impact. Economics examines the distribution and utilization of resources, philosophy explores fundamental beliefs and values, psychology studies human behavior and cognition, sociology studies social structures and interactions, and political science analyzes systems of governance and power dynamics, all of which intersect with historical events and trends.

How does sociology and anthropology related to history?

Sociology and anthropology study human societies and cultures over time, providing insights into historical trends, social structures, and cultural practices. By examining past societies and cultures, these disciplines help to understand how historical events and processes have shaped different social systems and cultural norms. They contribute to a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and social dynamics across various historical contexts.

What is the definition of sociology and anthropology?

for me anthropolgy draws knowledge and methods from any discipline that can help understand humanness

What is the social science most closely related to anthropology?

Sociology is the social science most closely related to anthropology, as both disciplines study human societies and cultures. Anthropology tends to focus more on understanding the cultural aspects of societies, while sociology often examines social structures and institutions. Despite their differences, both disciplines share an interest in studying human behavior and social interactions.

What is nature and beginning of sociology and anthropology?

Sociology and anthropology both emerged in the 19th century as disciplines that sought to study and understand human societies and cultures. Sociology developed in response to the social changes brought on by industrialization and urbanization, focusing on the study of social structures and institutions. Anthropology, on the other hand, originated from the study of distant cultures and societies, seeking to understand human diversity and evolution through the study of archaeology, linguistics, and cultural anthropology.

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What are the Philippine history that is related to sociology?

Sabotage! From the period when Philippic weavers / workers threw their wooden clogs into the machinery in SABU. This can be nominated as one of the first sociology moments.

Who defined History is past sociology is sociology is present history?

social science

How is sociology related to sociology of education?

Because it is. :)

What is the history and development of it?

history of sociology

What are field of discipline which are related to economics?

state and mention one field of diciplane related to economics

What is the difference between sociology and history?

Sociology studies human society and social behavior in the present, focusing on social interactions, institutions, and structures. History, on the other hand, examines past events and their impact on societies, cultures, and individuals. Sociology seeks to understand the patterns and dynamics of contemporary societies, while history explores the evolution and development of societies over time.

What are closely related to sociology?

social anthropology and social psychology are very closely related to sociology

What has the author Werner Jacob Cahnman written?

Werner Jacob Cahnman has written: 'Sociology and history' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, History, Social history, Sociology 'Weber & Toennies' -- subject(s): Comparative method, Historical sociology, Sociology

What science is related to the study of world history?

economics, political science, sociology, philosophy, psychology, geography,anthropology, archaeology and demography

Similarity between sociology and history?

Sociology and history are much interelated with eachother.History is the branch of the social science which deals with the records of past events.Historical sociology is the discipline which is concern with the studyu of socila phenomena,social process and so forth in the past.It is also called social history.SIMILARITIES BETWEEN SOCIOLOGY AND HISTORYSociology is the study of society while history seeks to establish the squence in which events occurs in the past .Like historian sociologist are concerns with the relationship between events occuring more or less at the same time .In this context,history suplies the material for sociologu as well as sociology gives the social background for the study of historrry.It is further said that history would be meaningless without explaining sociallly significiant events.Sociologist are most intrested in teh contemporary events and recent past which is also related with history.Thus, their mitual dependance upon eachother has lead G.E Howard to remarks that"history is the past of sociology and sociology is the present history."A depection of the ancient library of AlexandriaPeter Worsley says that "The best history is infact sociology, or sociology of the past."

What are social studies?

In education, social studies include history, political science, economics, sociology and other disciplines related to human society.

What is the Differences Btween history and sociology?

history is the study of special events that has happened in the past. sociology is the study of the way peoplesocialise with each other.