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Because your not using gas or other that hurt the environment and use those bad things cause globe warming, but solar energy is the energy that you get in the environment

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Q: How can solar energy help the polar bears?
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Does the webbing between the toes help polar bears fish?

Yes, it does help polar bears fish. Not really. the webbed feet help swimming in water.

Send a letter to help save polar bears?

send a letter to everyone to heop save polar bears.

Do female polar bears help hunt?

No, they hunt themselves, they don't hunt for anyone or help other polar bears hunt, except for their cubs.

What do polar bears do to help other animals?

eat them

How do you help save polar bears by using technology?

Polar bears can be saved by controlling global warming. Laser technology could help save polar bears, as it can locate where they live in heavy winters and could be saved while oil drilling.

What is been done to help polar bears?

Well if people are joining groups to help the polar bears with global warming. What they do is they go around and pick up garbage.

How does hibernating help a polar bears health?

if the polar bears dont migrate the turn into a theme park ride or fairy dust

How do blubber layers help the polar bears?

A layer of blubber helps by keeping the polar bear warm. It's also their energy source for the part of the year when it's difficult for them to hunt.

Where do polar bears get their nutrients from?

bears get energy from eating healthy foods like berries and fish they could also get energy by running or getting excercise every day

Do polar bears help huskys?

no the would or could eat them

Why do we save polar bears?

To help keep them away from danger