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Nobody becomes transsexual. It's not contagious, and it's not something you choose. Instead, it is something to get rid of. You come to understand that the problems that have hounded you since childhood are not things you did nor anything mommy or daddy did either. Transsexualism is a disorder of the body: the psyche is built around a specific gender, in this case the gender of the psyche does not match the physical gender of the body.

A transsexual person spends a large portion of their life figuring out why their own body is alien to them, and if it is bad enough OR they are in a situation where it is not harming others, they go to a surgeon who aligns the body with the mind. There is a small percentage that regret this but it is very low, and most who regret it are really transgendered rather than suffering transsexualism. Because of the transition protocols, it can drive a transsexual person mad waiting to get ok'd for the surgery.

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Q: How can someone become a transsexual?
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How do you become a transsexual without surgery?

You don't.

How do you become a transsexual?

You're BORN that way.

Can a woman become pregnant from male transsexual pre-ejaculation?

A male transsexual is sterile. They cannot create viable testes yet.

How can man become transsexual?

A man cannot become one, since he's born that way. The purpose for hormones and surgery is to stop being a transsexual and get "cured" of it to the extent scientifically and medically possible.

What are synonyms of transsexual?

A transsexual is a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristics and gender role of the opposite sex or someone who has undergone hormone treatment and surgery to attain the physical characteristics of the opposite sex. As such, there are no synonyms for transsexual.

Can transsexuals have babies?

Yes. Transsexual men can have babies before transition. Transsexual women can father children before transition. After surgery, when their transsexualism is eliminated, they become sterile.

Can a transsexual become a boy or a girl?

A sex change can be preformed to allow a person to become either sex, yes.

Is AAP Rocky a transsexual?

No. He's a male and it was just a rumor from someone that hates his music

Is that true that most transgender people are gay?

Note: Please do not merge this question with similar questions using the word "transsexual." Transsexual persons are born with their condition and seek to eliminate it. They don't choose to become transsexual. Many transsexual persons find being lumped with transgendered persons to be offensive, and some even oppose the transgender and/or LGBT Communities.This is difficult to answer, but it seems the answer is no. A transgendered person is either someone who chose to vary their gender expression or who will never get surgery. For many, transgenderism is only recreational. No study has been done on this.

How can one become a transsexual?

You are born a transsexual. You know you're not right your entire life.Look up "sex change clinics", if you're asking "how do you get a sex change?"If you were asking "Why do people become transsexuals?", they are that way in early childhood, when social gender develops.

Can transsexuals become pregnant?

That would depend on the type of transsexual they are. A transsexual woman can never become pregnant, though she can father children before taking hormones and getting surgery. They can never get a womb, though uterus transplants and ectopic pregnancies have been considered as possible options, but both are considered way to dangerous to attempt. A transsexual man can become pregnant if he gets pregnant before taking hormones and getting surgery.

What is the difference between a post op transsexual and a pre op transsexual?

Post-op is after the reassignment surgery (they now have the parts of the sex opposite to what they were declared at birth). A pre-op transsexual person is someone who hasn't undergone sexual reassignment surgery. They still have the genitals they were wrongly born with.