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Q: How can someone dislike something as much as the seafarer dislikes the sea yet be drawn to it?
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In the poem the seafarerhow can someone dislike something as much as the seafarer dislikes the sea and yet be drawn by it?

Because he was at the sea so much , that's all he's known . So , even though he hated the weather , and being alone , he was drawn to it . Because it was apart of his life .

What does detestable mean?

It means to dislike something very much.It means to hate or despise something or someone.

Why do people dislike other people?

everyone dislikes someone nobody knows why mabe thay have done something to hurt you even i dislike somebody but no one should hate anyone look up y do people hate other people on this to find out mmore

What are your likes and dislikes in a relationship?

I like someone with a sense of humor, who can make me laugh. I dislike mean, rude, and/or selfish people.

Is it correct English to say I strongly dislike something or someone?

Yes, it is correct to say, "I strongly dislike something." Or someone.The adverb is strongly and modifies the verb dislike. Saying, "I dislike someone/something strongly," is also correct; which variation you choose depends on emphasis.

What is the word mean to dislike of somebody or something?

The word is "dislike." It refers to a feeling of distaste or aversion towards someone or something.

What is the true meaning of hate?

The true meaning of hate is not really liking someone and you dislike them and they did something to make you dislike them

For you what is the meaning of being a seafarer?

A seafarer is someone who travels on the sea, from the Old English words sea and fare, to travel.

What is the English definition of the word dislike?

Dislike is a verb and it is apposite of "Like". it simply means "To not like someone or Something". For example:" Why does he dislike vegetarian food so much?".

What does hello kitty dislike?

Some people just don't like hello kitty. Everyone is different and has different preferences and reasons why they hate or dislike something or someone. another person and all the advertising can get annoying

What is the best definition of admonish in the seafarer?

Admonish is to reprimand someone.

What is an aversion?

An aversion is a state of opposition to something, or the specific object of dislike in question.