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Corticosteroids have some agonistic effects on Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) thus dumping potassium and absorbing sodium.

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Why do Beta agonist cause hypokalemia?

Beta 2 adrenergic agonists cause increased potassium entry into cells, which can lead to hypokalemia

What is the effect on the heart function in the case of hypokalemia and hyperkalemia?

Hypokalemia and hyperkalmia both can have effects on the heart function. Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia can cause cardiac arriythmias.

Why do beta 2 agonists cause hypokalemia?

Beta 2 adrenergic agonists cause increased potassium entry into cells, which can lead to hypokalemia

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Do ace inhibitors cause hypokalemia?

It could. If its a diabetic patient who has raised serum postassium due to diabetic nephropathy then ace inhibitor can improve his diabetic nephropathy leading to hypokalemia.... BUT it DOESNT cause hypokalemia directly... instead it leads to hyperkalemia...

How can hypokalemia affect your life?

Hypokalemia or low potassium can cause lethal heart rhythms. general tiredness , muscle twitching and damage.

Which electrolyte imbalance can cause an atrioventricular block?

Hypokalemia can probably cause an atrioventricular block.

How is digoxin associated with hypokalemia?

Usually, hyperkalemia is associated with usage of digoxin. This is due to the blocking action of digoxin on the Na/K ase which results in accumulation of extracellular K+.Most of the times, patients presenting with heart problems are already on diuretics before they are prescribed with digoxin. Diuretics cause hypokalemia as they result in excessive excretion of K+ from the body. Hypokalemia in turn causes digoxin toxicity. Digoxin toxicity does not cause hypokalemia, but hypokalemia can worsen digoxin toxicity.

Can Hypomagnesemia cause heart problems?

Hypomagnesemia can result in hypokalemia and thereby cause cardiac arrhythmias

Can steroids cause the pupils to dilate?

Can steroids cause pupils to dilate

Hyperkalemia or hypokalemia which is more serious?

hyperkalemia as it may cause heart arrythmias and sudden death, where hypokalemia generally just causes malaise, muscle weakness and tetany. hyperkalemia as it may cause heart arrythmias and sudden death, where hypokalemia generally just causes malaise, muscle weakness and tetany.