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Sympathetic fibers convey impulses that stimulate our "fight or flight" response. Parasympathetic are just the opposite, you might say they are for "rest and digest". They are both firing at the same time but depending on your environment and emotional state, one will dominate over the other.

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Q: How can sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers act as antagonists?
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How would a drug that inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system affect a persons pulse?

It would increase the pulse, providing it acted upon the cardiac conduction system. There are parasympathetic antagonists which act on other parts of the body, such as the bladder; such drugs would not affect the pulse (theoretically).

How nervous system help maintain homeostatis?

The Nervous System has two separate control system the sympathetic and the parasympathetic stimulation. Both parts of the system work in opposition to each other. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the heart, blood vessels, lungs and the metabolic system to prepare for the activity. The parasympathetic system is in control of rest and leisure periods, it also works to conserve energy. As you work out the sympathetic system takes over and act on both the heart and the release of hormones to stimulate the body into workout mode. The nervous system maintains homeostasis by sending signals to the brain and to the rest of the body.

What effect does the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system have on the digestive system?

The parasympathetic nervous system is a division of the autonomic nervous system (along with the sympathetic nervous system, and the enteric nervous system). In simple terms, the SNS can be thought of as the body's gas pedal, and the PNS as the brake. So where the SNS deals with 'fight or flight' the PNS deals with 'rest and digest'. In other words, the PNS is often inhibitory. For example, it can act to slow down heart rate, enhance the peristaltic contractions of the gut, or increase secretions of digestive enzymes. In can also cause vasodilation (make the blood vessels wider) around your gut after meals: this means more blood flows to your intestive and stomach after you've eaten a meal, allowing you to digest what you've eaten.

What is physiological antagonists on effector organs?

Physiological antagonist are those substance that have opposing physiological action but act at different receptors

The secretion of the adrenal medulla act to supplement the effects of?

Your question is weird but i think the secretions cause the organism to responde fast by increasing the heart rate and energy?I believe the answer you are looking for to complete your sentence is sympathetic stimulation.

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What does the parasympathetic nervous system stimulate in the micturition reflex?

The parasympathetic nervous system allows the act of micturition. The sympathetic nervous system inhibits it.

Describe the innervation of the blood vessel?

Most of the blood vessels are innervated by sympathetic sympathetic adrenergic nerves.It releases norepinephrine which act as a neurotransmitter. The skin and few areas of body have both sympathetic cholinergic and parasympathetic cholinergic nerves which release acetylcholine,which act as a primary neurotransmitter.

What nerves control the heart beat?

>Heart beats continuously and pumps blood. >Heart is controlled by autonomous nervous system when brain isn't aware about it or is at rest. >While the beats are regulated by medulla oblongata situated in hind brain. >The two autonomous nervous system: Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system; act complimentorily and contradictorily which controls involuntary activities. >For example, if the heart beat increases due to sympathetic nervous system than normal, it is brought under control and lowered by the action of parasympathetic nervous system.

How would a drug that inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system affect a persons pulse?

It would increase the pulse, providing it acted upon the cardiac conduction system. There are parasympathetic antagonists which act on other parts of the body, such as the bladder; such drugs would not affect the pulse (theoretically).

How does SNS lower blood pressure?

SNS stands for the Sympathetic Nervous System. This system becomes much more active during stress, raising blood pressure. In contrast, the parasympathetic nervous system helps to counter-act the sympathetic nervous system's actions.

Which is NOT a function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?

Which of WHAT?? You offer no CHOICES in your question to select from! Basically the sympathetic nervous system would not act to relax muscles in the body.

Which systems act on the same organs but in opposite ways?

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) regulates the action of smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and some glands.In other words, the ANS regulates involuntary (automatic; unconscious) actions.There are two major divisions of the ANS. The parasympathetic division functions under normal conditions (to maintain homeostasis), and the sympathetic division of the ANS functions under stress.Some times the sympathetic divison is called the "Fight or Flight" response and the parasympathetic division is called the "Rest and Repose {turkey dinner syndrome)" response.

Which gland act as antagonists to thyroid gland?

parathyroid glands

The autonomic nervous system contains two branches called the?

The autonomic nervous system also has two divisions: the sympathetic division and the parasympatheticdivision. These two divisions have antagonistic (opposing) effects on the internal organs they innervate (send nerves to act on).The sympathetic division, shown at the left, is the emergency system. It prepares the body to put out energy and to protect it from effects of injury. It shuts the gut down, speeds up the heart, increases blood pressure, dilates (makes bigger) the pupils of the eyes, makes more glucose (blood sugar) available in the blood for energy, etc. Cannon described these reactions as preparation for fight or flight (running away).The parasympathetic division, shown at the right, is the "housekeeping" division. It acts to replace and recover from the activities of living. Its action is (almost always) the opposite of the sympathetic division. It activates the gut for digestion, slows the heart rate, decreases the blood pressure, etc.

How nervous system help maintain homeostatis?

The Nervous System has two separate control system the sympathetic and the parasympathetic stimulation. Both parts of the system work in opposition to each other. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the heart, blood vessels, lungs and the metabolic system to prepare for the activity. The parasympathetic system is in control of rest and leisure periods, it also works to conserve energy. As you work out the sympathetic system takes over and act on both the heart and the release of hormones to stimulate the body into workout mode. The nervous system maintains homeostasis by sending signals to the brain and to the rest of the body.

Involuntary nerves that stimulate the body in times of stress and crisis?

the peripheral nervous system can be further organized into two divisions: the somatic (which controls voluntary movements like walking and talking) and the autonomic (which controls involuntary movements like breathing and heartbeat).But did you know that this autonomic nervous system can be further broken down into two main divisions? These are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body to act during times of stress---that is, to undergo the complex of changes known as the fight-or-flight response. The parasympathetic system conserves and restores the body's resources.

Can you use the word sympathetic in a sentence?

I felt sympathetic towards the starving children in Africa.