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The biggest thing you can do is remember to keep your privacy. Young people tend to give predators way too much information to work with and the predators are pretty sharp. For instance lets say you tell someone your school team is called the TROJANS. Then he asks you about the weather where you are. Is it raining? did it rain yesterday and do they expect rain tomorrow? Just by answering questions like that you have told the predator approximately where you live if he just looks at a weather map. A Google search for TROJANS and he knows of all the schools in your area that use that mascot. As for bullies, you can't do much about people that are jaust jerks. Leave the chat room or blog and ignore them. Sooner or later they will search out other prey. Just be careful and don't give out too much info about yourself to anyone on line.

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Q: How can teenagers protect themselves from cyberspace?
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How can teenagers protect themselves in cyberspace?

find a cute guy, like me, and suck on his hard dick while he fingers you. that would be nice. :)

How can you protect yourself in cyberspace?

There are many ways someone can protect themself in cyberspace. This first rule of thumb is to never give out a name or address. Also, keep Facebook and Twitter updates less personal.

2 What are the legal implications of cyberspace?

The legal implications of cyberspace include issues related to jurisdiction, privacy, intellectual property rights, cybercrimes, and online defamation. Governments around the world are continually working to adapt legal frameworks to address these challenges and protect individuals and organizations operating in cyberspace.

How do you protect yourself in cyberspace?

The best way to protect yourself whilst in cyberspace is to never give personal details e.g.: Phone numbers, names, address, date of birth - these details can be used for other purposes which leave you open to attack.

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You are responsible for your teenagers' actions.

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