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check pulse in wrist or neck

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Q: How can tell if the baby heart beep at weeks 2?
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Basically at 6 weeks you can't tell in an ultrasound?

at 6 weeks you can see the heart (it will be a very tiny circle that is beating) and see a small oval shaped fetus in the uterus. you cannot tell this soon about the sex of the baby or any other features like hands or feet. the sex and baby's features can be determined at about 21 weeks on ultrasound.

How can you tell te sex of your baby from the heart rate?


If i Am 19 weeks pregnant and baby's heart rate is 140 what is the sex?

Oh you can't tell it that way. You need to do a ultrasound for that so they can see. You can't just truest the heartbeat.

Is something wrong if you cant hear your baby heart beat at six weeks?

Not always but this is something you should speak to the doctor about when you have the ultrasound. They can tell you everything while you are there and have all your medical info.

How can you tell if the horns are broken on a 1967 mustang?

It doesn't go beep beep!!! Thick Head

How do you tell your girllfriend you love her?

By saying.....I love you baby from the bottom of my heart!

At how many weeks in your pregnancy can you tell if the baby is a boy or girl?

At 16 weeks it is 80-90% accurate using an ultrasound

Can you determine the sex of a baby when you are 4 weeks pregnant?

The earliest time that the physician could tell the gender of the baby is at least 12 weeks. At 12 weeks the genital tubercule must have started developing already.

Can you tell the hospital you want to have your baby 2 weeks before due date?

You could ask them, but they don't normally induce you until you are 2 weeks overdue, unless you or the baby are in danger or the baby is very big.

Can doctors detect heart defects at 7 weeks pregnant?

No, too early to tell.

How early in pregnancy can doctors tell if baby is not a boy nor a girl?

5 weeks

My baby's heart rate at exactly 6 weeks gestation is 132b pm the size of my baby is 4.2mm is this a healthy and safe range and can I tell if I am having a girl or a boy?

In most cases, 132bpm is a normal range for a baby at 6 weeks gestation. However, concerning its health, it is best to consult a doctor. As long as the woman carrying the baby is healthy, the baby should be as well. Gender determination happens later in the gestation as the genital developed later on.