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It is true that Canaan was a province of Egypt and remained so until long after the time attributed to the Exodus from Egypt. For example, the Amarna letters show that the Canaan was ruled by Egypt, with petty kings in each Canaanite city, around 1350 BCE. We also know that there was no unified military conquest of Canaan.

Read literally, Exodus would simply tell us that the Israelites travelled from one area of total Egyptian control to another. However, scholars tell us that the Exodus from Egypt did not really occur. For example, Professor Israel Finkelstein said, "Today more than 90% of scholars agree that there was no Exodus from Egypt, 80% feel that that the Conquest of the Land did not take place as described in the Bible ...".

Yair Zakovitch, Dean of Humanities at Hebrew University is quoted as saying, "The thing to remember about the Bible is that the events and characters are just vehicles to convey messages. The biblical narrative was written to educate our young nation, not so much to tell us what really happened."

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After Joshua conquered Canaan, it was no longer under Egyptian rule. Egypt did not raise its head until the time of King Solomon.

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Q: How can the Israelites be free from bondage from the land of Egypt when the promised land Canaan was a province of Egypt during the Exodus?
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