

How can the caste system be used to control society?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How can the caste system be used to control society?
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Hinduisms effects on society?

It helped with the caste system so the caste system was highly used in society spearating groups a lot.

Where was the caste system used?

The castem system is a system of divison a labour and power in human society and start in india

What was the term used for groups of people whose birth determines their position in society?

The term used for groups of people whose birth determines their position in society is called a caste system.

What was used to justify the caste system?

The caste system in India was justified based on the belief that people were born into their social position based on their karma from past lives. This system was also supported by religious texts that outlined the duties and responsibilities of each caste. Additionally, the caste system was seen as a way to maintain social order and stability in society.

How is the caste system used?

The caste system is a social hierarchy in which individuals are categorized into different groups based on their birth, occupation, and social status. This system has been historically used in India to organize society and assign specific roles and duties to each caste. However, the caste system has also led to discrimination and inequality, as people in lower castes are often marginalized and face social and economic disadvantages.

Is it true that the caste system determined a persons job and status in Hindu society?

It used to determine status and jobs. Now Hindu society has changed so people do no longer believe in this. But sometimes in smaller communities caste is still used to determine status.

What is the purpose of the class system imposed by the Aryans?

The Aryan Caste System was used to separate themselves from the local population as a way to control them. They used the system to classify occupation, impose marriage restrictions, and determine the purity of a person.

Which religion used the caste system?


What the original purpose of the class system imposed by the Aryans?

The Aryan Caste System was used to separate themselves from the local population as a way to control them. They used the system to classify occupation, impose marriage restrictions, and determine the purity of a person.

What is the original purpose of the class system imposed by the aryans?

The Aryan caste system was used to separate themselves from the local population as a way to control them. They used the system to classify occupation, impose marriage restrictions, and determine the purity of a person.

What is the caste for surname baruah?

The surname Baruah is more commonly a Buddhist surnames. It is not represented in the caste system because the caste system is used for people in the Hindu religion.

Surname lal belongs to which caste?

LAL surname does not determine caste it is sometimes used as a middle name. It also used by KAYASTHA caste who are high caste according to the hindu caste system i.e between brahmins and kshatriyas caste. It also used by Punjabis/ sikhs as Lall or Lal