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Q: How can the ecosystem of the tropical rainforest be described?
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What are some of the characteristics of a tropical rainforest ecosystem?

A tropical rainforest ecosystem must be located in the tropics. This will ensure that it is a very warm place. A tropical rainforest must also receive a lot of rain, so the climate will be very wet.

Where is a spider monkey ecosystem?

The spider monkey's ecosystem is located in a tropical rainforest.

Is the Amazon Rainforest an ecosystem?

Yes because it is a small part of a biome which is a tropical rainforest

If a place is described tropical and rainy year round what subclimate is it?

Tropical Rainforest

What role do biologist play in saving our tropical rainforest?

Tropical dry forests are just such an ecosystem

What is the major ecosystem in Columbia?

the major ecosysem in Columbia is The Tropical rainforest

What ecosystem is similar to El Yunque?

El Yunque is a tropical rainforest in Puerto Rico.

Which ecosystem has more of plants and animals?

The tropical rainforest biome or environment has the most plants and animals in it.

What are Some ecosystems in a rainforest?

A rain forest is a type of ecosystem that exists on earth. Specifically, there are two types of rain forest ecosystems. Tropical and temperate rainforest ecosystems.

What is the oldest ecosystem?

There was no first ecosystem on Earth. There were just different ecosystems in different parts of the world.

Is a tropical rainforest an ecosystem or a biome?

The Tropical Rain forest Is A Biome . My Teacher (Who I cannot name for security reasons) told me that. I hope this is useful.

What makes the ecosystem unique?

the variety of vast areas ie savana tundra desert tropical rainforest