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Longitude is either 'East' or 'West' of the [Greenwich] meridian. Adding letters to a number makes calculations with it difficult, along with being awkward to store in computers, so using the normal number line with negative numbers to the left:

  • longitudes West are Left of the Greenwich meridian and so are represented by negative numbers;
  • longitudes East are Right of the Greenwich meridian and so are represented by positive number

makes the calculations and storage easy.

For example, Land's End at 5o44'W becomes -5o44'

and Great Yarmouth at 1o44'E becomes 1o44'

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Q: How can the longitude be a negative number?
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How do you plot negative latitude and longitude?

Negative latitude is latitude south of the equator. Negative longitude is longitude west of the Prime Meridian.

When you get longitude and latitude coordinates one is a negative number how do you get the correct info?

That's OK, it's not a problem. West longitude is commonly written as a negative number.It's much easier for computers to store and manipulate coordinates in that form.For the same reason, you'll occasionally see south latitude written as a negative number.

What does the negative longitude mean in weather balloon data?

Negative longitude meabs that the ballon is in the western hemisphere.

What does a minus mean in latitude and longitude?

As you know, the latitude number must be further clarified as 'north' or 'south' latitude, and the longitude number must be further clarified as 'east' or 'west' longitude. But when you do that, it's hard for a computer to read the information ... which has become a pretty important consideration now. So nowadays, it's common to see latitude written as ' + ' for north and ' - ' for south, and longitude written as ' + ' for east and ' - ' for west. Computers understand the difference between positive and negative numbers very well, and this makes it easier all around.

What is the rules to find the difference of longitude?

The difference in longitude between two places is:Absolute value of [ (one longitude) minus (the other longitude) ].The easist way to calculate it is as follows:--> If both points are in the same hemisphere(both east longitude or both west longitude):-- Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.--> If the points are in different hemispheres(one east longitude and one west longitude):-- Add the two numbers.-- Subtract the result from 360.

Related questions

How do you plot negative latitude and longitude?

Negative latitude is latitude south of the equator. Negative longitude is longitude west of the Prime Meridian.

When you get longitude and latitude coordinates one is a negative number how do you get the correct info?

That's OK, it's not a problem. West longitude is commonly written as a negative number.It's much easier for computers to store and manipulate coordinates in that form.For the same reason, you'll occasionally see south latitude written as a negative number.

What does the negative longitude mean in weather balloon data?

Negative longitude meabs that the ballon is in the western hemisphere.

What does a - stand for in latidude and longitude?

Negative latitude indicates latitude south of the equator, or the southern hemisphere. Negative longitude indicates longitude west of Greenwich, or the western hemisphere.

What is the negative of a negative number?

The negative of a negative number is a positive number.

What is a negative number divided by a negative number?

A negative number divided by a negative number is a positive number.

What does a negative number plus a negative number equal?

A negative plus a negative still gives a negative answer.

What is a negtive number subtracted by a negative number equal?

negative number subtracted FROM a negative number will be negative

Is a negative number added to a negative number positive or negative?

The answer to a problem that has a negative number added to a negative number would be negative.It would be a negative

What does a negative number multiplied by a negative number equal to?

A positive number. Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number

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Does a positive number times a negative number equal a negative or a positive number?

A negative number. A positive number x a positive number = a positive number A negative number x a negative number = a positive number A positive number x a negative number = a negative Hope this helps :D