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As this involves a non-contested transfer of custody, this can be done through the use of a certified mediator, that can generate the necessary documents for filing Pro Se with the courts. see related link

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It is not easy to take a child away from their parent and it shouldn't be. The grandparent would need an extremely compelling case against the parent retaining custody of the child. They would need to hire an attorney to represent them in the court system where the parent and child reside. They would be petitioning to be appointed the child legal guardians.

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Q: How can the mother of a child give guardianship to a non custodial parent in another state?
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What constitutes custodial parent in reference to child support?

The custodial parent is the parent with custody/guardianship of the child.

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If a child has lived with one parent for 17 years and then comes to live with the other parent who has legal guardianship?

Well.... The person who has legal guardianship is the person who has LEGAL guardianship. If the mother has custody, no matter where that child moves (untill their 17th or 18th birthdate dependant on the state), the mother will always have custody. The only way to change it is through the courts. * If a custodial order has not been issued by the court that stipulates otherwise, both biological parents have equal custodial rights.

Can a custodial parent sign over temporary custody if the non custodial parent is in prison?

No. Only the court can enter an order of temporary custody. With the non-custodial parent incarcerated and with the consent of the custodial parent the court would likely approve a temporary guardianship that is in the best interest of the child.

Can a non custodial parent gain custody if legal parent is in jail and child has no guardianship?

Yes unless they are found to be unfit.

If custodial parent loses guardinship of kid who gets child support?

Whoever gains guardianship.

Does a non-custodial mother have to pay child support to the father?

Yes, if the father is the custodial parent. It works just the same as when the mother is the custodial parent. The non-custodial pay child support based on their income and other factors.

Can a noncustodial parent issue guardianship to another person?

Only the courts can award guardianship.

Does a father need to pay child support to the mother if the child does not live with her?

A parent must obey the child support order. A custodial parent may be serving in the military with the child under temporary guardianship. That is no reason to stop paying child support. If the child isn't living with the custodial parent who is receiving child support the matter must be brought before the court.

How come a father has to automatically pay for child support and a mother may not if the father is the custodial parent?

A custodial parent may have to pay child support if his income is significantly higher than that of the non-custodial parent based on the non-custodial parent's "parenting time" percentage.

Can incarcerated mom give temporary guardianship to a family member if she has joint custody of child?

No, the fathers rights comes first as a custodial parent.

When the custodial parent passes away and the non custodial parent becomes the custodial parent does the minor child have a say where he wants to live?

The most likely scenario is that the children will live with the other parent as long as that parent was not deemed unfit while the custodial parent was alive. If that parent was denied custody for cause the courts may consider another gaurdian should the non custodial parent still be considered unsuitable.